[33] Kids are a handful...

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Hello loves, how are you? Hope you have been good! Sorry for the angst you all had to deal with for one shot #31 and #32, I couldn't help it! It was tempting! Plus, we need a little angst in our lives, y'know? But, no need to worry! This one shot is fluffy! :) This one shot is sort of short, mainly because I won't have time to write around two or three thousand words. Any who, hope you enjoy this one shot! :D - ChinitaPlease

"Mama!" Sakura yells, running up to you with a pout on her face. "Yes, Sakura?" You said softly, gently shushing her and pointed at the sleeping baby in your arms. "Takashi and Kai are building things again!" Sakura says softly, pouting at up at you. "What's wrong with them building things?" You ask, looking at Sakura in confusion. "They won't let me build things with them because I'm a girl!" Sakura says, huffing. "They aren't?" You ask, looking at her with your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Sakura shook her head. 

"Is your father with Takashi and Kai?" You ask softly, Sakura nods her head tearfully, letting out series of sniffles. Oh how you love your drama queen. You see, Tadashi, your husband, wanted to build some things with your sons because they have decided to build something for Sakura's birthday. She somehow almost figured it out, but Takashi and Kai had to come up with something to prevent Sakura from building her birthday present with them.

"How about you watch me take care of Aiya. She is your baby sister after all and you wanted to see how I take care of Aiya." You said softly, kneeling down in front of Sakura and gently brushed her hair away from her face. You gently wiped her tears away with a faint smile on your face. "But... Aiya is sleeping." Sakura says, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yes, but you can watch Aiya grow. She's turning one in a few months, might as well hang out a bit longer with her before she turns a year old." You commented.

"Okay, mommy." Sakura says, nodding her head. You truly love your children, they're your pride and joys. Takashi Hamada, five years old. He's a spitting image of his father, Tadashi Hamada. Not only is he a spitting image of Tadashi, but he is also as kind and smart like his father. Sakura Hamada, your second born child, four years old. She is a drama queen, but she loves to take charge and is also intelligent.

She looks like you and got her drama queen personality from you, her mother. According to Sakura's uncle, your brother, she acts a lot like you whenever you were a child. Sakura is also your little helper when you need some help around the house, you can always count on Sakura. Your beautiful and intelligent daughter. As for Kai, he is a little stinker. Devious, smart and a charmer. Like his uncle Hiro. Kai Hamada is two years old.

Oh Kai is just like Hiro, which Hiro is proud of. Hiro loves teaching Kai about bot fighting, much to Tadashi's dismay. Other than Hiro being somewhat of a bad influence on yours and Tadashi's son, but he is also a good influence on Kai; Hiro teaches Kai about the basics of robotics, even though Kai has his father to do that for him. Kai and Hiro has this unbreakable bond that is nearly impossible to break. Nonetheless, Tadashi is happy that Kai and Hiro get along with each other considering Kai reminds Tadashi of his own little brother.

Then there's Aiya, yours and Tadashi's little angel. Aiya was turning a year old not too long from now and you sure as hell don't want her to grow up. Heck, you don't want all of your four children to grow up! Four children, both you and Tadashi have four children together and it was the best thing that has ever happened to the both of you besides getting married to each other. You love your family so much.

But of course, having kids isn't always rainbows and unicorns!  Oh no, kids are... chaotic or you know, a handful. Especially for you and Tadashi, there was only the two of you while there are four kids. Once Takashi and Kai chased Sakura around with tarantulas in their hands while Sakura was running away from them, crying and screaming her head off while Aiya was crying and screaming as well. Only because she wanted to join in on the chaos, but you wouldn't let her.

"Takashi and Kai Hamada! Do not chase your sister around with tarantulas!" Tadashi screams, chasing after his two sons. "Mama! Save me!" Sakura shrieks, her eyes bloodshot and swollen as she ran towards you and latched herself onto your legs, bawling her eyes out. "Sakura!" You yelped, almost dropping Aiya. "Mom! Takashi and Kai have this bug ugly thing in their hands and they're chasing me with it!" Sakura cries loudly, burying her face into your legs.

"Takashi! Kai! Do not chase your sister with the spiders or else I will ground you both and take Baymax away!" You said, glaring at Takashi and Kai. Takashi and Kai slowed down with the tarantulas and pouted. "But mom!!" Takashi and Kai whined, giving you the puppy dog eyes. "No! I will not let you boys chase your sister around with a spider!" You said, shaking your head, gently bouncing Aiya up and down in your arms.

"Your mother is right, boys." Tadashi says, crossing his arms over his chest with a frown on his face. "Apologize to your sister right now and put the tarantula back in it's natural habitat or else you're grounded." Tadashi says. You bit your lip and watched Tadashi. Damn, how did you get lucky? Tadashi was muscular, his shoulders are broad, his body proportions was perfect, he wears glasses, he wore his signature SFIT Ninjas baseball cap, he's tall. What a man.

"Sorry for chasing you around with the tarantula, Sakura." Takashi and Kai said. "Please don't do that ever again." Sakura squeaks, sniffling and wiped her snotty nose against the end of your shirt. "We won't." Kai says, walking off with Takashi to release the tarantula back where they found it. "Now, let's go get washed up." You said, looking at Aiya. Aiya lets out a giggle and grabbed onto your shirt collar and rubs her face against it.

Later that night, both you and Tadashi tucked the kids in bed and collapsed on your shared beds with an exhausted sigh. "Today was rough." Tadashi mutters, closing his eyes. "Not as tough as the previous week." You muttered, stretching your arms out and let out a big sigh. "Kids are a handful.." Tadashi yawns, taking his cap off and placed it on the nightstand. "They truly are, but we still love them anyways." You hummed, snuggling close to Tadashi. 

"Good thing Aiya is our last child." Tadashi chuckles, looking down at you and kisses the top of your head with a small smile on his face. "Well...." You trailed off, letting out a nervous laugh. "She's not really our last child." You said slowly. "You're pregnant, aren't you?" Tadashi asks, you gave Tadashi a sheepish smile and nodded your head. "Surprise! Baby number five is on the way!" You said. "Unbelievable." Tadashi chuckles, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissed your face.

"Hey, it's a two person job, Tadashi Hamada!" You joked, grabbing Tadashi's face and placed a big kiss on his lips. Just when both you and Tadashi thought you were going to have a quiet night, Aiya started crying from the other room. "Parent duty is never over." Tadashi says, pecking your lips before getting up from bed. "It really never is over." You said, shaking your head. You got up from bed and followed after Tadashi.

First update of the week, completed! Second update for the week will be either tomorrow or Thursday. Depends on how I feel about updating and if I have any ideas for this one shot and Hiro's one shot. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy reading this one shot! I love you all and I will update again soon :D - ChinitaPlease 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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