[31] We Grew Apart, But I Still Love You

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Hello everyone! It has been a while, hasn't it? Last time I updated it was the year I graduated from high school... 2017. Now that it's 2019, my goal is to complete both the Tadashi Hamada and the Hiro Hamada one shots. I don't know when I will wrap it up, but I will be making a Hiro and Tadashi one shot part 2, but combined this time! It will come out hopefully soon if I don't procrastinate! Also, look out for some... crossovers ;)

Also this is both fluff and angst? xx - ChinitaPlease (planning on changing my username soon.. if I can...)

When you and Tadashi first started dating, the two of you were inseparable. Heck, before the two of you started dating, the both of you were already inseparable! You guys were the best of friends, connected to each other at the hip. If you were to go somewhere, Tadashi would be there with you. If Tadashi went somewhere, you would be there with him. The two of you would always be around each other that people would mistaken that both you and Tadashi were dating.

"Aren't you two a cute couple?" An elderly woman says, her arms linked with her husband's arms. "The two of you remind me of my husband and I when we were younger back in the day." The elderly woman reminisces, a big smile appears on her face. "O-Oh, you're mistaken!" Tadashi chuckles nervously. "You see..." You trailed off, your cheeks bright red. "We're not dating, we're just friends." Tadashi says. "Oh! My mistake, I am so sorry if I made the two of you uncomfortable." The elderly woman says, frowning. "No, no, no! No need to apologize, ma'am!" Tadashi says.

"We get mistaken for a couple many times. There's no need to apologize, it was a innocent misunderstanding." You says, giving the woman a sympathetic smile. As much as it was a mistake for others to assume that you're dating Tadashi, you genuinely wished that it wasn't a mistake at all. You really like Tadashi, but you could never get yourself to tell Tadashi that you have feelings for him. It would be amazing to be dating someone you've been crushing on since forever, but you didn't want to ruin the friendship between the both of you. So, you kept quiet about it.

That night, after the encounter with the elderly couple and the misunderstanding, Tadashi was laying in his bed. The scene kept playing over and over in his head. A couple, they mistaken both you and Tadashi for a couple. I mean, many people has! Was it because both you and Tadashi were so close and comfortable with each other that the two of you made it look like you guys were dating? Perhaps. Now that Tadashi thinks about it, he doesn't know about wanting to stay as friends anymore.

The way your eyes sparkle when you're happy, the way you laugh when he told you some lame jokes even though they're not funny, the way you blush when you're embarrassed or shy. The way you nuzzled against him when your arms are linked to his. The way you made his heart flutter every time you said his name or when you smile at him. Tadashi felt the heat rushing to his cheeks just at the thought of you. He grabs his pillow and hugs it to his chest. Until he felt it squirm in his arms. Tadashi's eyes opened and looked down; Mochi stares up at Tadashi and meows softly. "Oh, sorry Mochi." Tadashi chuckles, letting go of Mochi and watched the cat get up and out of his bed. 

Tadashi lays on his back and stares up at the ceiling. "[Y/N] [L/N], I like you and I have a crush on you." Tadashi thinks to himself. His cheeks turns red, rolling over on his side and sighs softly. It doesn't sound right! Who just comes right out and tell their best friend that they have a crush on them? Definitely not Tadashi cause it doesn't sound right to him. How is he going to confess his feelings to you?

When the day finally came to Tadashi confessing his feelings to you, you were over the moon with joy! Heck, everyone that knew the both of you were happy for you and Tadashi. You and Tadashi were so in love with each other that everyone made a secret ship name for the both of you behind your backs. Now that the ship has came true, everyone was both happy and relieved that you guys were dating. 

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