chap 3

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My Mom isn't answering her phone,” Dibbs spoke, looking over at Monty. 

“We just gotta wait till things die down,” Monty said. 

“She’s with Liam, we have to go and find them.” 

He went for the garage door and Monty grabbed his shoulder. “No, there's no point in trying to get to them if you're just gonna die in the process,” he scolded. 

Dibbs just huffed and sat down on the cold floor, “we lost everything” he sighed, tears of fear arriving to his eyes. 

“No, we still got each other, alright. Now let's keep it that way,” Mons encouraged, sitting next to him. 

Dibbs nodded and said, "fine we'll stay here."


Morning rolled around quickly and Tris was woken up by the harsh sunrise. She moaned tiredly and sat up, looking over at Duchess who was still staring at the sky. “Good morning?” She spoke hesitantly. 

“I couldn't sleep at all, I don't know how the fuck you do that,” Duchess scoffed. 

“I make due,” Tris sighed, rubbing her brow. A sudden headache arrived and she sighed through her nose. Duchess stood up and climbed up to the top of the roof, keeping a hand on the chimney to keep herself from falling. 

“Those guys are still here,” she groaned, noticing the hoard now scattered through the streets. 

“I got a hold of Mons, they said that they're gonna stay where they are until they can figure out where to find a car,” Tris informed, “and I found a flare in your bag,” she said holding it up. 

“What are you snooping around my bag for?” Duchess raised a brow at the woman. 

“It was Brownie” Tris pointed to the cat in her tote. Duchess just rolled her eyes. 


“This place is sick,” a voice echoed throughout the bunker. 

“Yeah how did you even find this?” the words came from three figures holding up flashlights from their phones. 

“It was pretty easy actually, no one checks the tunnels near Ridge so I thought maybe I'd explore,” a third and feminine voice continued. 

“Wait, Rider aren’t your parents like, insanely strict? How did you get permission to be out here?” a black haired teen asked. 

“Yeah, let alone in a secret shelter!” The other gasped, exploring the items. The three teens had found an old abandoned bomb shelter while exploring and decided to check it out. 

“Who said I needed permission,” Rider shrugged. 

“Are you hearing this Everett?” he asked. 

Everett looked over and shrugged, “what about it Rome?” He asked, adjusting his dark brown beanie and golden blonde hair. Rome just shrugged and continued exploring. 

“Woah guys come check it out!” Rider called. 

Everett and Rome both followed and soon found her. They saw a huge hole in the wall and Rider looking out of it. “This thing takes us to the other side of the neighborhood! The school isn't far from here,” she said. 

The sudden light brightened her soft blonde hair which was tied up in a ponytail and revealed her round figure. She wore her signature black jacket with multicolored daisies on her sleeves and some comfortable leggings. 

Everett stepped out into the light and revealed his slim yet built physique. He wore a Neapolitan colored jacket and regular jeans. Rome followed and towered over both of them with a more muscular figure. His black hair roughly brushed to the side and wore a regular grey shirt and sweat pants. 

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