chapter 26

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"Guys come on, settle down" Duchess's voice echoed a bit through her old home. 

The memory of her siblings running around and getting into trouble. The familiar open living room with a deep blue three cushion couch pressed against the beige walls. A large TV stood Infront of it playing a TV show they enjoyed. 

One 3 year old little boy with a construction toy sat In Front of it, intrigued by the moving pictures. 

A blonde haired girl the same age sat behind him playing with a babydoll. "Come on" she huffed, picking up a one year old girl with bronze hair and dark brown eyes that matched her own. 

"Go sit and settle down" she ordered. She did her best to redirect the children. "Hey! Give back!" A five year old boy with blonde hair cried as a 7 year old boy with brown hair and eyes held one of his toys. 

"Hey, give that back, not yours" she said, pointing at the boy to direct him. The 7 year old pouted and listened. 

"When's dinner? I'm hungry! And thirsty!" A 10 year old boy whined. 

"I will get it started in a minute! Please! Go sit" she yelled. "I'm taking out the trash" her 15 year old brother said. 

"Hurry up" she huffed, setting the one year old on the couch, “you all are so noisy” she complained, placing her hands on her hips. “Sissy! Look” her 3 year old little sister said, holding up a lighter. 

“Where did you get this?! Dont touch” the woman squeaked, setting the lighter in the kitchen after quickly removing it from the girl's hands. “Okay” the girl said, trotting back to where she previously sat. 

Duchess ran a hand through her hair and let out a soft sigh. 

“Tommorows another day” she mumbled to herself. 

Pain slowly seeped into her conscious and she opened her eyes, realizing that it was all a dream. A memory. Tears flooded her eyes and she struggled to pull herself up and sit up from where she layed. 

She still sweat profusely. So she wiped her forehead with the bottom of her shirt. “Bad dream?” Rider asked. 

“Yeah,” the tired woman sighed. A small crack in her voice got Jane's attention. “Do you miss them?” she asked, knowing about her family. 

Duchess simply nodded. 

Meanwhile Tris, Monty, dibbs and Haze all walked side by side in the surprisingly windy weather. They swept the empty streets of the ghost town they for now called home in hopes to find a pharmacy of some sort. 

“Where is this damn thing?” Monty growled underneath his breath, annoyed at the situation at hand. 

“Im not sure, but we have to find something, her condition isnt getting any better” Haze said, clutching his sword that was tied to his belt loop loosely. The four teens had been searching for hours at this point. 

“It says there isn't any until the next city '' Tris said, looking up from her map. 

“Then we will go to the next city and get it, '' Haze said in a firm manner. Tris perked up, “what? We cant do that!” She squeaked. Haze turned to her, “why not?” He asked in a serious tone. 

“Because, itll take at least Half a day to get there and another half to get back! And thats IF we find anything” she said, starting to feel as if Haze would refuse to take no for an answer. 

“Well, would you rather Duchess die?” He asked, cocking his head, “she’s one of the main reasons this group has gotten this far” he growled. 

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