chapter 16

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Monty leaned on Dibbs as Dibbs helped him walk in his new prosthetic.

"Why does it burn?" He winced.

"It's gonna be that way for a bit, you lost your leg like a week ago so it's not ready for a prosthetic but we don't really have the time to let it heal completely" Duchess shrugged. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she looked down at the gravel and loose pebbles they walked on.

The next train station wasn't for a while. Infact it was on the other side of the new town they had discovered. Everett had left and it was just the 7 of them now.

"Hey, don't worry about him, that guy is built like a tank he'll be fine" Rider reassured her with a hand on her shoulder.

Duchess scoffed, "it's not him I'm worried about" she looked up at the group Infront of her. Jane and Tris walked side by side and made sure to help with Monty and Dibbs. Brownie toted in tris's backpack and Rocky walked a bit ahead, hopping around in the gravel with excitement.

He was still just a puppy.

"This is your ‘big sister instinct’ kicking in huh?" Rider teased.

Duchess rolled her eyes with a smile, "oh please, you guys are much better than my siblings" she mused.

"Good, then this trip shouldn't be too hard," Haze said, throwing an arm over Duchesses shoulders. She ducked underneath his sudden gesture and he stumbled forward. "Let's just get going, it's getting late," Duchess said in turn to his comment.

Duchess wasn't in the mood to be positive like Rider encouraged her to be. Haze noticed and decided to walk beside her while everyone trailed ahead. "There's bound to be some people here, let's try to stay out of the town" Haze suggested.

"It's the fastest way we can possibly go, Monty doesn't have a lot of time, same with Rider" Duchess replied, gesturing over to them, "I did all that I could to keep them from bleeding out but I'm not a doctor so I can't fix everything" she huffed.

"You've got a point there but what if someone else gets hurt? We can't risk it" the brunette stated.

"We'll figure it out depending on how many of those walking diablos are out there," Duchess said with a shake of her head. Haze looked ahead at the others and followed Duchesses gaze ultimately deciding to trail his gaze back to her.

His hand linked into hers, squeezing it tightly. Duchess couldn't help but smile and walk beside him, her hand fitting in his perfectly.  "You're tense," he said.

"No I'm not" Duchess said in a low tone, her accent leaking through her words.

"Yes you are, wanna know how I know?" Haze teased her playfully. "Please, enlighten me" she turned to him with a bit of an annoyed glare. "Your accent always comes out when you're in an emotional mood" he said, booping her nose.

She couldn't help but smile a bit and playfully swat at him. "Okay genius, let's just get somewhere safe" she chuckled.

Days passed as they walked through the town.

Fortunately wanderers weren't a problem to the group of teens but they underestimated the size of the town they were making their way through. The days turned into a week and the sun beamed brightly over their heads.

"How long is this gonna take?" Dibbs whined, tying their hoodie around their waist. "It will take as long as it takes, this is the third time you've complained" Rider groaned.

They walked up to a small apartment building and Duchess tried to open the door but failed. "It's locked," she mumbled.

"Who would've guessed…?" Monty said in a sarcastic manner, sitting down on a concrete step. They were out in the open since the buildings were spread apart quite a bit. There was a park and a basketball court in the middle of the town and many shops were wiped clean out.

"The people here must've known what they were doing," Tris commented, letting brownie down onto the concrete pathway below us. Grass surrounded the place as well. "Can't you break it open with your heel like you did back in my neighborhood?" Tris asked, watching as the Siamese cat ran off to look for something to eat.

"No, this is a different handle," Duchess sighed, brushing her hair out of her face.

She then looked up at the scale of the building. "Duchess" Rider spoke in a warning tone. "What?" Duchess grinned, knowing that she knew what she was about to do. "Don't, you'll fall" Monty warned.

"I have impeccable balance, try me," Duchess said, tossing her bag aside.

Despite being only 5'6 she hopped up onto a windowsill that hung from the wall and pulled herself up the side of the building. She scaled the side of the three story apartment block and the other teens watched as she climbed up.

"Why do we let her do this?" Haze asked, watching as the black and green haired teen slowly made her way up to the roof.

"Because it's Duchess" Monty answered.

Duchess then made it to the roof and looked over the town. "Woah" she spoke to herself, adjusting her black tank top and sweatpants. "This place is bigger than it looks" she called down to the others.

"Great, now get us inside" Jane called from below her.

Duchess turned and quickly spotted the door that led to the stairs to the roof. Or what she assumed were the stairs. She quickly approached it and the knob twisted and opened the door.

"Thank God" she spoke to herself once again, relieved that the door was unlocked.

She trailed down the stairs and walked through the abandoned apartment. It's only been a few weeks since the overtake of the parasite and things were already starting to fall apart.

Any plants held inside the apartment either withered away or over grew and started to take over a small portion of wherever they were placed. The hallway floor was covered in a deep red carpet and the walls were a deep blue color with white accents.

Duchess looked around and smiled a bit.

Summer had started and she was relieved to be out of the scorching heat of the sun. She trailed down to the second floor and it didn't look any different from the third. Doors shut and most of them locked, each one placed next to another in the hall.

Once Duchess reached the first floor, the structure resembled a lobby. The windows open but covered and bolted shut with wood and whatever else the people trapped inside could find. The floor stuck with the same deep red carpet and the walls now a dark green instead of blue.

The furniture was shifted around but otherwise untouched and no lights were working. It was dim and only the light of the sun peered through the covered windows. It made Duchess a bit uneasy.

There were signs of people around and yet not a soul was to be found, not even a body.

She unlocked the door from the inside and let the rest of the teens spill into the room. "Took you long enough," Rider huffed.

"I can close this door as fast as I opened it missy" Duchess replied. Everyone let out a sigh of relief as Monty sat on the couch that was in the middle of the room surrounded by recliners, chairs and a coffee table.

"How's that prosthetic been working for you?" Jane asked.

"Great, I still need to get used to it though" monty huffed, finally being given a chance to relax. Haze plopped himself down onto a couch, taking up two seats. Dibs sat beside Monty and Jane was content with sitting on the floor with Rocky.

Duchess retrieved her things from Haze and set it down on the floor, laying down on her back. "My legs can't take anymore walking" she groaned.

"I heard that," Jane agreed.

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