chapter 17

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Night fell quickly.

Monty had fallen asleep alongside Dibbs and rocky. Tris was awake with Jane and Rider, talking amongst themselves as Haze went to grab some food from his bag.

"Hey, does anyone have anything to eat?" He asked, looking up from his backpack.

"Nope" the three ladies replied.

"Agh" he groaned, grabbing Duchesses bag from beside her. She quickly grabbed a hold of it, "the fuck are you doing?" She asked, now on high alert. "I'm looking for food, I haven't eaten since this morning," he said.

"None of us have, we need to go out and get more tomorrow morning" she informed him while he let go of her bag. "Don't touch my stuff please" she warned, pulling her bag closer to her. .

Haze groaned in hunger, "can we go and get some now?" He asked.

"Fine" Duchess huffed, pulling herself up from the couch she was lounging on. Haze took her hand and pulled her up so she could get up faster. "We'll be back" Duchess announced.

"Wait you're going out now?" Jane asked.

"Yeah" Duchess answered.

"You can't! Haven't you ever played Minecraft?" She squeaked. Duchess chuckled lightly, "this town barely has anyone in it let alone any wanderers, we'll be back soon" Duchess reassured her.

Jane just waved it off and they exchanged their goodbyes. Duchess and Haze quickly set off shoulder to shoulder for food. "There has to be something good in here" Haze mumbled to himself as they crossed the playground and reached the other side of the area. It was longer than it was wide so the shops weren't far.

They approached what looked like a Walmart. "It's a tiny Walmart" Duchess giggled.

Haze smiled and brushed it off. Duchess and him walked inside and seen that it was also wiped clean. Duchess frowned and started to look around, quick on her feet. "hey look!" Haze called for her from the other side of the store.

Duchess went after him and looked around for what he was looking at. He held up some boxes. They contained a bunch of dried fruit and canned foods. "Awe jackpot!" She gasped with a smile.

"We should've stopped here earlier" Haze chuckled.

"And spend more time in that hot sun? Hell no" Duchess scoffed, helping him carry some of the boxes. They were the last ones and would last them a good few weeks.

"Hey do you think the others would care for some board games?" Duchess asked, stopping in her tracks after spotting some games on a counter, not far from the entrance. "Yeah, what is there?" Haze spoke, lifting the boxes higher into his arms and adjusting his hand placement on the boxes.

"I think they're Legos" she said, setting the boxes down and walking over to them. "Yep, I'll bring them with us" she said, stuffing them into her duffel bag.

Then a soft thud could be heard from the other side of the store. The woman froze in her tracks and perked up. "You hear that?" Her voice dropped to a whisper.

Haze nodded softly and they glanced at eachother and back at the source of the noise. The sound of shuffling items and quiet pitter-patters grew closer and Haze took a step back from the area the noise was coming from.

Duchess grabbed her gun that was strapped to her side, pointing the rifle at where the noise was emitting from.

Finally it grew closer and reached them. Haze didn't know wether or not to drop the boxes and help Duchess but brownie turned the corner instead. He had gotten caught in some string and was dragging a few cans behind him.

"Agh brownie" Duchess breathed a sigh of relief.

She put her rifle away and walked over to the cat. "You almost did him in" Haze scolded playfully. "Hey if we weren't in this predicament then I wouldn't even have my hands on a rifle, don't blame me" Duchess replied with wit.

Haze just chuckled as Duchess helped the cat out of the string and lifted her into the duffel bag. "Tris would like to see you buddy" Duchess smiled, stroking his soft fur. She picked up the boxes again and carried them back to the others.

As they crossed the playground once again they spotted a wanderer across the way. "Another one" Haze mumbled, brushing it off. "As long as it doesn't come after us we'll be fine" Duchess reassured, "let's go"

They returned to the others and Haze kicked the bottom of the door instead of knocking since his hands were full. They could hear Rocky barking from inside and Jane calming him down. Rider opened the door.

"Duchess! Haze" she gasped with a smile.

"We have arrived with sustenance" he grinned, walking inside and placing it on the coffee table Infront of everyone. "I also brought a friend" Duchess said, lifting brownie from her bag.

"Brownie" Tris gasped with a smile.

The car brushed up against the woman's leg and crawled into her lap. Tris stroked brownies soft fur and allowed him to relax in her lap.

"What's that?" Jane asked with excitement.

"Food" Duchess said, unboxing some of the tiny bags of the dried fruit and canned goods. She passed one out to everyone and saved some for the sleeping couple on the couch.

Tris opened a can of meat for Brownie and rocky who both egarly finished their food before the other teens could get theirs open. "I also have games, how 'bout we bring back game night?" Duchess asked.

"Fuck yeah!" Rider squeaked, picking up one of the boxes of Legos.

As they unboxed the Legos and started to build their small items. Duchess stepped back and grabbed her camera, snapping a picture of the wholesome moment. She smiled and stuffed it into her bag.

"How many of those do you have?" Jane asked, noticing the new Polaroid film that printed out the bottom. "I'm not sure, a few now I guess" Duchess shrugged. She then grabbed a throw pillow and sat on it next to the table.

She joined the others and started to help Jane work on her creation while nibbling on her food. "Done!" Haze smiled, holding up a small Lego sword. "What?! How!?" Jane squeaked.

"That was fast" Duchess laughed.

"Sick!" Rider gasped, admiring his creation. Then a loud thud came from a window not too far from the group of teens. It made them all jump and look towards the source of the sound.

"Oh it's that guy" Duchess scoffed.

" 'that guy'? You've seen that thing before?" Rider asked. "Yeah, just another wanderer, it can't get in though" Haze shrugged.

Tris got up from her seat, I think we should secure this a little more" she said, taking a chair and sliding it underneath the door handle even though it was locked. "There isn't many here so we don't need to worry Tris, just accompany brownie and it'll be alright" Duchess reassured her.

Tris nodded, allowing brownie to crawl back into her lap and continued on with their creations.

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