chapter 10

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As they headed back they met up with Dibbs and Monty who all loaded up into the truck and waited for it to leave. After a few minutes of getting nowhere Duchess looked up through the sunroof and asked, "What's going on up there?"

"It won't start," Monty frowned. He turned the key multiple times and sure enough it refused to start.

"I'll check it," Rider huffed, hopping out of the back of the truck. She went over to the front and lifted the hood to examine the insides of the car.

"I don't get it, it has fuel, the oil is fine but the engine isn't starting up," mons sighed, following her.

As they were messing around with the insides of the car, Duchess heard some commotion in the distance. She stood up, "y'all be quiet" she told them.

They stopped talking and turned their attention to where the noise was coming from.

"Is there a hoard behind us?" Everett asked.

Duchess saw the trees moving and turned to Monty and Rider, "you two better get this thing up and running!" She squeaked.

"There's no time!" Haze said, hopping down onto the ground.

He started pushing the truck. We were on a hill and Duchess quickly picked up what he was putting down. So she hopped down and started to push the car.

The others got the same idea and followed their lead. The car slowly crawled to the edge of the hill. Rider was perched on the bumper, trying to figure out what was wrong with the car.

Monty looked over at where the trees shook from the beings trying to get through and saw a few coming out. It almost looked as if they were stuck but then the wave of monsters shoved forward and knocked over the wall of trees with a loud crash.

They were all merged together in a canvas of flailing limbs and severed heads whose eyes glared angrily at the group.

"Guys! Get in!" Monty said, lifting Dibbs into the back of the truck first.

"Why?" Jane asked, but she was thrown in next.

She then spotted the combined wanderers and her blood ran cold. "Swarm!" She announced. Haze looked back at the group of merged wanderers that was only growing.

They started to flood the streets behind them.

Everett and Haze climbed in and Monty lifted Tris inside. Haze grabbed Duchesses hand and pulled her up into the back of the truck but, she immediately climbed through the sunroof to be in front of the wheel.

"Monty how do I work this thing?!" She squeaked as the car came to the edge of the hill.

"Turn the key, press the gas, it's that simple," he instructed while running past the open window to the front of the car.

"I can't see!" She squeaked.

"Would you rather see or have the car running?" Rider yelled from in front of the car.

"Less arguing and more driving!" Dibbs shouted.

The car then rolled forward. The hood closed and Monty pulled Rider up onto the windshield to get her out of the way of the car. He clung to the hood and they rolled down the hill, picking up more speed the longer they rolled.

Duchess clutched the wheel and tried to guide it to a safer place.

"There's a train station not far from here," Tris said, hopping into the back seat from the sunroof.

Duchess steered the wheel cautiously and accidentally turned the car sharply. It swerved and Everett popped his head in through the sunroof, "hey! Be careful!" He squeaked, struggling to stay on the top of the car.

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