chapter 31

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“i dont think there's much of an end to this stream” Haze said, looking deeper into the forest In front of them. The small stream still traveled on and on into the trees. The sun was starting to set behind the tall mountains that surrounded them and darkened the sky.

“Lets go back” Haze suggested, watching as a wanderer emerged from the trees.

“Agreed” Duchess muttered, quickly turning around and heading back to the barn where the others stayed. Duchess reached into her back pocket and pulled out her hand held radio. The radio squawked and she spoke, “hows it going out there?” She asked.

The crunch of dead dried leaves echoed throughout the woods as Duchess followed Haze back.

The radio squawked again and out came a response, “great! Tris is awake! You need to get back asap!” Montys voice said. Duchess and Haze looked at eachother and Duchess held the radio up where she can speak clearly, “on my way” she said.

Haze and Duchess then started to run with a smile.

“I hope she’s okay” he said.

“Diddo” Duchess responded, following close behind him.

The sky turned dark and Haze could see a dim light coming from the barn. The sounds of their fast paced steps echoing into the empty forest. The teens couldn't speak over their own loud pants as they ran. They started to slow down when they approached the barn and Haze couldn't help but notice the sound of more leaves shifting nearby.

Duchess made it into the barn with Haze in tow.

“I'm here!” Duchess squeaked.

She stopped in front of Tris and lifted her head up, “what?” Tris mumbled, confused at her sudden appearance. Duchess grabbed her flashlight from her bag and flickered it infront of her eyes. Her pupils dilated and responded correctly.

“Has her bleeding stopped?” She asked Monty.

“Yeah” he answered.

She took off the bandage that was wrapped around her head, pulling the cloth away from the wound. It revealed the dried blood and fluids that settled whilst traveling. It stuck to her hair, making it stiff and stick to the rest of her hair.

“Did you ever find them towels?” Duchess asked Rider, still panting softly. Rocky perked up with a smile at their return, approaching Duchess. She gave him a pat on the head before shooing him away.

“Yeah” she said, going to hand it to Duchess. Duchess grabbed a water bottle from her bag and sat down beside Tris, letting one of her feet rest on the floor and the other perched beside her, resting her elbow on her knee.

“Stay” Duchess ordered, facing Tris's face forward so she could get a good view of the wound. She took the towel and started to clean and wipe away the blood. Tris’s eyes started to droop and she struggled to stay conscious while Duchess cleaned her wound.

“Try to stay up for us,” Duchess told her.

“Hmh?” Tris looked at her.

“Stay awake please” Duchess repeated.

Tris’s brows furrowed and she looked at Duchess confused. Duchess looked confused at her back. Duchess just brushed it off and continued to clean the wound. She revealed the missing ear and new wound on the side of her head. She couldnt help but wince at the sight.

Duchess glanced over at Haze and seen him looking around. He was on high alert. “Whats wrong Haze?” Duchess asked, standing behind Tris. she snapped her finger near her right ear, she didn't react. Duchess switched sides and snapped near her left ear.

Tris’s attention flickered over to the left, where the sound came from.

“No wonder” Duchess muttered, realizing why she had to repeat most things to her.

“What?” Jane asked, walking over from where she sat. ”Her injury affected her hearing,” she said.

“Shh” Haze hushed from the front of the barn.

“What?” Monty asked.

Haze put a hand out to get the others to be quiet. Duchess perked up and reached into her bag, grabbing her pistol. “What?” She asked in a hushed tone. Haze had his sword in his hand and had his eyes locked on a spot in the woods. At that moment, Duchess could spot a figure standing with the trees.

“Leave us alone!” Haze shouted, gripping his sword with both hands and taking a step forward. Duchess raised from her seat with the pistol at her side, watching as the figure emerged from the woods.

“What do you want?!” He called out.

“Please! I need help!” He yelled.

Duchess recognized his voice. She walked up behind him and saw a familiar face. “Nico?!” She squeaked.

“Dutch?” He perked up.

“Haze, chill is just Nico, from class” she said, looking up at Haze. “We dont know if he has a parasite” he growled, glaring at him.

“I-i dont i swear! My friend! She’s in trouble!” He said, his hands were shaking and he looked battered and broken. Duchess felt guilt prick at her heart, “Haze, please” she asked.

He looked down at Duchess then at their old friend and sighed. “Fine” he mumbled.

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