chapter 27

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Monty heard the gunshot and looked over at his partner. “Dibrian!” He yelled his full name, fearing that he had been shot. Rocky, with blood smeared into his fur by the others bodies he tore apart and scared away, then jumped into the mix. 

He bit down on ones leg, making them drop the black curly haired teen and scream in agony. 

This caused the others to run. The sound of rattling fences from behind them grew louder as the hoard clawed through the wire at the smell of blood. Dibbs sat on the floor, clutching his stomach. He didn't feel any pain or see any blood. 

“Dibrian! Are you okay?!” Monty collapsed to his knees Infront of him, checking him for any wounds. 

“I'm okay” Dibbs said breathlessly. 

“i got the bag! Let's go!” Monty announced, holding up the bag and checking the others as well as keeping an eye on the buildings above them. 

He helped Dibbs up and he noticed Tris on the floor barely moving. “Tris” he spoke, running over to her. 

Meanwhile Haze had kicked a man in the chest, causing him to collapse. He was just about to bury his blade into the man's skull before he took off his motorcycle helmet. 

The man put his hands up, stopping Haze in his tracks. 

Haze's eyes met a familiar pair and he stopped. “Hey! Its me!” the man yelled. He had hazel eyes and brown hair like his own and a few piercings scattered on his face. A ring placed on the left side of his bottom lip and an eyebrow ring above his right eye. 

“Leo…” Haze gasped. 

Monty called Haze again and he was able to snap out of whatever trance he was in. Looking down at the man and back at the group. 

“Coming” he called back to them. 

He then backed away from the man and they all broke off into a sprint. Rocky followed close behind them. 

Rider sat beside Duchess back in the bookshop they took shelter in. “Feeling any better?” Rider asked, helping Duchess sit up. 

“No” she muttered, leaning back and holding her eyes shut. It hurt to look around in the sunlight. She had become a bit pale and malnourished from the lack of food and water she was able to hold down. 

Rider rubbed her shoulder, “the others have been gone for a while” she mumbled. 

“The hospital they need to go to is pretty far from here so it might take them a while,” Duchess said. 

“True” rider said, leaning against the back of the seat. She looked over at duchess and chuckled, “you look terrible” she grinned. 

“I've looked worse” Duchess answered in a low tone. 

She was constantly nauseated and felt dizzy if she moved too fast. Her ankle had gotten in better condition but she didn't know if she would be able to walk on it or not. 

“Hey Rider…” she spoke. 

“Hm?” Rider tipped her head up a bit. 

“If I die…” she started. Rider frowned, “I'ma stop you right there” she said, putting a hand up, “you're not gonna die Duchess, I'll make sure of it” she informed her in an attempt to comfort the sick woman. 

“Well I get sick after staying inside for too long, you'd think after 2 years of being isolated and finally getting outside again at the beginning of highschool I'd be able to get used to the outside again” Duchess threw her hands up, letting them fall into her lap, “I never got this sick…I just want to make sure that if I do die you all know what to do” she said, her voice cracking a bit. 

“What if I'm infected an I just don't know it yet?” She asked. 

“We all have our times Duchess, stop worrying about us for once” Rider said, flicking her in the forehead. 

“Ow” Duchess said. 

The backdoor suddenly opened and Dibbs walked inside. “It's about time!” Rider immediately sprung up from her seat with Jane in tow. 

“Tris got shot” Monty said, laying her down on the couch beside Duchess. Duchess opened her eyes and seen the gruesome scene. Blood was splattered against the side of her head and it had seeped into Monty's shirt while he carried her. 

“What happened?” Rider squeaked. 

“Shot? I'm the one with the gun! How the fuck did she get shot?!” Duchess helped, immediately grabbing her bag and searching for her already opened first aid kit. 

“There were other people” Dibbs said, panting softly. 

“I got the medicine” Jane said, opening the blue bag she snagged from the men. She pulled out some pills and handed them over to Duchess, “are you sure these are the right ones?” She asked. 

“Yeah, it says it right here” Jane handed her the bottle and let her read the label. 

“Okay” Duchess breathed. She set the pills aside and tried to help Tris. She found her first aid kit and started to clean up the blood with a wet rag. Behind the blood was the wound. 

“Oh no” Duchess winced, “her ear…” she investigated closer, seeing that half of it was torn straight off. 

She put some gauze pads onto it and wrapped it with the bandages while securing it with medical tape. “You guys got hella lucky” she breathed. 

“What is it?” Dibbs asked. 

“Her ear was shot off, you're lucky it didn't get her head” Duchess explained, finally securing the tape. “Id be surprised if she could even hear once she wakes up” 

She sat back and leaned on the headrest of the small couch. Her headache returned and she downed the pills, using water to help her get them down. “You should be good by tomorrow with those” Jane informed. 

“Thanks” Duchess said. 

Only then did she notice that Haze wasn't anywhere to be found. “Where's Haze?” She asked, looking around. 

“Right here” he came out of the bathroom that was in the very back of the shop. He walked over and Duchess put her arms up, welcoming him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her chest tightly and she wrapped her arms around his neck. 

“Are you ok?” She asked in a whisper whilst hugging him. 

“Can we talk later tonight?” He asked. 

“Of course” she whispered, hugging him tighter. 

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