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The entire forest was silent, as though any sound would have caused something deadly to happen. Not even the birds chirps or the sound of the running stream nearby, even the wind seemed to have avoided the place where they all were that not even a single leaf dared to rustle.

"According to one of our allies in the capitol, they said there are five major people pulling the strings of this tyranny." As Grace said as she looked around.

Pulling out five parchment paper with paintings on them and placing them on top of a table. All eyes upon Grace as she pulled one out to show everyone.

"Annie Alsius." She held up a picture of a young woman in her mid-thirties. She had black hair, prominent cheekbones, a hooked nose, full lips and hooded blue eyes. She was pretty there is no denying that.

"One of the noble families who were allies of the kingdom in the past. She has control over Hopeshire Fortress in the south." Grace said as she handed the portrait to the crowd.

Once it reached Aella at the back she clearly remembers who this woman was, she was the one who ordered for her sister to be violated. The one who invaded the village they stayed in for refuge. Aella tried to calm herself down as she felt her chest tighten at the memory. Images of orange and yellow drifting across her memory along with the screams of the people as the chaos ensued.

"Aella?" Feeling a nudge on her side, looking up to see Saxon with a concerned look in his eyes. Looking back down to the portrait she sees she was gripping it tightly that it ended up being crumpled.

"Just felt a bit faint for a moment." She lessened her grip on the paper as she smiled at him and handed him the paper before looking ahead to Grave again.

"This is Jord Alsius, older brother of Annie Alsius." The man had black hair, blue eyes were dark and empty, with hollowed cheeks, a crooked nose, thin lips and a long scar right below left eye. "He has control over the Reave Stronghold in the West."

"Traitors." Leo murmured in bitterness as he said that.

He had been a member of one of the noble families in the past, that was before his family were killed when they refused to swear loyalty to the new ruler. So, he really viewed these two as traitors for turning their back on Qaeven

"It was for survival, they knew that loyalty to the monarchy would only result in death." Luna commented as she looked at Leo through the side of her eyes.

"They sold off information about the Citadel in the north and about how they could enter Palais du Vitrolly." Leo said with venom laced in his voice.

Aella listened in on the conversation as she stared at the paper. Not blinking as she remembered this man, during the incident four years ago she did not recall who he was at once but knew that she saw his portrait again. This man was a dear friend of her father, he had been the godfather of both her and Alexis. Not blinking as her mind started to drift off to the memory of how Jord had beheaded her brother.

"So, it was those two." Commenting as Leo finished telling them the details he had heard about how the Alsius Family sold all the plans to the invaders for control over two fortified cities.

"Then these three are the main invaders, it was said that they hailed from the lost Naimor Dynasty." Upon the mention of the dynasty whispers were heard throughout the crowd.

"What's The Naimor Dynasty?" Mia asked as she looked at Leo.

"An Ancient civilization from what I heard. I am confused as well why it's such a big deal." He replied with a shrug.

"Naimor Dynasty was one of the dynasties of the old empire of Qaeven. They were well known for their prowess in battle and the ability to call forth the E About two thousand years ago they struck a deal with the ruler of shadows to awaken a god who would bring forth chaos. They had been convinced that in order to have true peace they must first experience the chaos of disorder. No one knows if they indeed succeeded, but whatever they did had caused their civilization to wither away with the rise of the tides." Saxon answered while looking straight ahead.

Andgiet Scinn: OneirophobiaWhere stories live. Discover now