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In a temple deep under Jianyu's peak and submerged under the enchanted ocean. A once beautiful temple made out of marble rested beneath the waves, a colossal statue of a snake-maned lion stood at the entrance. Its obsidian eyes looked ferociously alive as though guarding the temple from anyone who tried to get in.

Behind the temple was a sea cavern that led directly under Jianyu's peak was a chamber with runes written with blood at the stone door keeping everything out and making sure the one within stayed locked up.

Jianyu's peak was an ancient prison for immortals who had been punished for breaking their laws and only one was being held locked in there for the past millennia. The golden chains that held him immobile were the innards of the Jiangyu, while the runes that kept the entrance lock were from the blood of one of the priestesses who had helped lock him in.

His bronze like skin glazed with sweat dripped from his body as the glowing golden chain kept heating up with each breath he took. Opening his Emerald eyes, that glowed for a moment he let out a loud roar in anger. Shaking his head in denial of what he just saw, hot tears fell from his eyes as it created a river that flowed down his cheeks and evaporated before it hit the flooring of the cell.

He could feel the chain heat up and slowly melt away, the scorching metal that had held him captive for a millennia liquified. Groaning as the heat became unbearable, the searing metal mixed with the ichor that dripped down from his wounds slowly turning into dust until he fell onto the concrete floor. He slowly stood up panting as he felt his wounds start to close and heal. Flexing his fingers and rotating his neck to relieve the pain. Being chained down had his joints and body sore, he later on summoned his armor slowly cladding himself in his golden armor with a wolf entangled to a snake embedded in the center. On his waist was his twin daggers, Eclipse, its hilt made up of silver and gold engravings. One with a black diamond on its end, DeTruire, that shows his power over destruction. The other had a white diamond on it, Creer, that shows his power to create new realities.

Walking towards the entrance of the chamber were he was imprisoned, taking out DeTruire and tapping it on the stone before it collapsed and became dust before him. Teleporting himself to appear back in the Vitrolly, with a desire to change reality now that he had found the one person he had been waiting for in the last millennia.

He felt regret and guilt for seeing her go through that pain once more because he failed to recognize her. Seeing that Altheia's was truly dead and he could not change that anymore, it was the one thing he wanted but was not within his power.

Teleporting within Palais du Vitrolly, turning into his cat form as he slipped past the bars of the restricted area of the library. Going to the far end, transforming once more into his mortal form as he browsed the books that held the history of the Fridur's and what 'supposedly' happened during the Seige of Crefygh, which was the cause for the falling out of all the deities. Removing the two books as he reached inside to retrieve his heart. The gem seemed so small and so fragile that he was surprised when Altheia gave it to him as a collar when he was in his cat form before.

He suddenly remembered how her eyes turned violet as she stared at him and called him a 'Liar' once more with her eyes filled with disappointment.

He recalled the memory he had promised to that violet eyed beauty, before she died in his arms after catching his dagger meant for someone's eyes.

"I didn't mean to. I am sorry, my Fidrildi." He stuttered as his dagger with the black diamond hit her near her heart, her golden ichor dripping out as he held his hand on the spot where his dagger pierced right through.

"Laekna! Do something!" He frantically called out as he tried to stop her bleeding.

The others had gathered around them, watching as he tried to keep her from dying. His eyes tearing up as he felt guilty for what he did.

"She's crossing over." Navi stated as she tried to pull Lyraez away from Heiwa's body.

"Lyraez, she'll live. She was born a deity, she'll be reborn as a mortal twice first though before we can see her again. As long as she remains herself, she'll come back the same." Salm stated as he knelt down beside them.

Heiwa holding her hand out to caress, Lyraez's cheek while she smiled at him. A reassuring smile that said she did not blame him, his heart broke as he could see the dimming of the stars that danced in her eyes violet slowly leaving and her body starting to shimmer and glow becoming translucent.

He held her hand as his tears fell. Reaching to get his heart and crushing it in his palms as it turned into a small gem with the colors of green, violet and red, swirling in the center like stars. He leaned his forehead unto hers as he said the words.

"I would wait a thousand years, just to witness you live life again and again. You could live a hundred life times and I would still be able to recognize you. I gave my heart to you the first time because among all the illusions and lies I had created, you were the only one I wished to remain true and real. Take it and I'll follow you throughout your life times as I'd rather see you alter reality to how you saw fit, than face eons not seeing your smile or hearing your laughter. I'll wait for you and watch over you as you live your mortal life, until you return back to my arms."

His tears fell as he said those words, until she disappeared within his arms.

The moment he saw her eyes a while ago he knew that was her and he had failed her. Only wanting to see her again as she would ensue chaos with the anger and hatred she had felt for mortals.

He blamed the other deities for this, he blamed those who sewn the threads of destiny and their rules. If he could have intervened even in the slightest. If the others did change the narrative and imprisoned him, none of this would have happened.

"I will find you Heiwa. And I will make those who made you suffer pay." He promised as he held the gem in his hand tightly.

The wind changed and became eerie around him, turning to face the familiar figure with violet eyes with a lace of red in them.

"You killed her and allowed her to suffer by their hands. So who are you to cry out in despair of loosing her?" She laughed as she walked towards him.

Looking into his eyes with a mocking smile, her eyes emotionless as ever yet her words laced with poison. "You were the one who killed the light, so suffer in the dark. That's what all of you deserve for harming my sister."

Andgiet Scinn: OneirophobiaWhere stories live. Discover now