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People within the Palace were busy with preparation for the celebration, as they were going to hold a feast to celebrate their victory. She had given what she had promised to those who had helped her and the proper statuses to those who played a significant role in the battle.

She entered the library of the palace to try and look for evidence of what Myrkur wanted from her. The heart of Raez was what he called it, she wasn't sure what it looked like to be specific, so she went to check the books to see if there was any record of the said jewel.

"It's wonderful to see you again, your highness." The old librarian greeted her, she turned to the direction of the voice to see an old man with white hair. He had a crooked nose with scars all over his face, he seemed tired but at the same time had a genuine smile on his face.

"Sir Warin, wonderful seeing you as well. No need to greet me so formally." Altheia smiled at him, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the titles they are using on greeting her since it has been a decade since she last heard those titles.

"I could never disrespect you, your highness. The last time I saw you, you were only aye high. And now you are a young maiden who truly resembles King Theodore and Queen Felicity when they were still alive." He said as he made a gesture showing how small she was a decade ago.

She gave a small smile at the mention of her parents, she was unsure if she was ready to ask if there were any portraits of their family that still remained. Afraid to know the answer to that she asked a different question instead. "Say Sir Warin, do you know anything about the Heart of Raez? Or do you know what it looks like?"

At the mention of the jewel, Warin's expression turned dark as though not wanting to give the answer to that before she made a gesture for her to follow him deep into the library. They came across a restricted section that had the same lock as that in the treasury.

"Myrkur wanted to know information regarding that as well and threatened to eliminate my family unless I told him. Alas, even if I did tell him he would not be able to open the gate as the locks only respond to those who are from the bloodline of the Fridurs." As he said this, Altheia stared at the lock, ready to open it when her eyes caught a familiar collar attached to a feline within the restricted area. It's green eyes staring at her as though gauging if she was an enemy or not.

"Storm? Is that you?" The cat stepped out of its hiding place and tilted its head to the side at the sound of her voice. Its ear perked up at the familiar sound of her voice.

Altheia then knelt down and reached her hand out to try and make him come to her. Storm looked bigger than he was the last time she saw him, he approached her cautiously, sniffing her hand while looking at her before his eyes widened and continued to rub his cheeks against her hand. He then slipped past the bars and went to rub himself onto her legs.

"Fine feline he is your, highness. I found him a couple years back hiding within the book selves and whenever Myrkur's men went here to trash the place he would hide in the restricted area, smart move as that was the only place they couldn't access." Warin said as he looked at the reunion of the two.

Picking up a storm as she cuddled him seemingly forgetting about the Heart of Raez as she went out of the library to her room. She fell asleep that night, much more soundly than ever, with Storm in her arms she felt as though at least she didn't lose entirely everything she had known and loved.

As the hours passed, the time for the festivals drew nearer. It was midwinter's eve, though the wind was cold it was not as frigid as the last years. They arranged to have the festivities in the town square of the capitol as everyone deserved to be part of the feast.

Altheia was not wearing a gown or anything extravagant. She sat on a high table that was placed in the centre of the town square, others were surprised to see their ruler dressed as a commoner in a feast like this.

The entire square was filled with festivities, the entire atmosphere was light and joyous. The musicians played with abandon as it added to the ambiance of the place. Everyone was smiling and forgetting about their statuses in society as they were all gathered in common ground. Just as how noblemen and commoners had stood side by side to fight for a single common goal they all wished to achieve

As she stood up, the music stopped and everyone turned silent waiting for her to speak. Turning their full attention to her, despite her presence mingling with theirs while she sat down, now she commanded the whole room when she stood up.

"After years of being under the rule of a tyrant, who enslaved not only our kingdom but our family's and souls as well. We celebrate this joyous victory that we had all fought to achieve. Those who have died, did not die in vain as they look upon us with their fiery spirits through the skies. No matter how small or how big your contribution was to the cause, what matters is the result that came from all those who fought for this freedom. Peace and tranquillity will remain as long as there are people willing to fight for it" She raised her cup and others raised theirs as well as a toast to their victory. When she sat down the music resumed with the fun and joy had returned as well.

Everyone was chatting with one another laughing and eating as they celebrated. As the night progressed, they soon started to dance under the light of the moon. Altheia watched as they all danced throughout the square, smiling and laughing along but not having the energy to stand up.

As she watched the festival and celebration unfolding before her, she could not help but feel uneasy. Something within her was telling her something was wrong and wasn't right. No matter how much she tried to push the thought away, her anxiety just kept on bubbling up to her throat. She felt as though she was nauseous at this bad feeling and she could not pinpoint what was causing it.

Turning to Mia who decided to stay with her at the table, saying she felt dizzy and would like to retire to her chambers first. Mia wanted to accompany her but she said that she could handle herself and Mia deserves to celebrate and not wait on her. She gave her a reassuring smile before she slipped out of the table away from the noise and back towards the palace. 

Andgiet Scinn: OneirophobiaWhere stories live. Discover now