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"I archi enos telous" Aella whispered as though in a trance as she gazed down below in a trance.

Her voice had caused the one beside her to glance over to her. Her gaze was one that was cold and distant, her gray silver eyes shining a translucent purple with a starry haze before she blinked that had broken her trance.

Aella then breathed in the morning sea breeze as though she had not been sitting there for hours. Closing her eyes as she just indulges herself for a moment in the insouciant bliss of pretending to be ignorant of the upcoming blood shed. She could hear the waves crashing along the rocky shore below. Slowly opening her eyes with a relaxed smile that crept into her face as she gazed on the horizon as the sun peeked through the dark blue curtain and slowly added light to the dark world. Creating the beautiful gradient that placed her at the center of watching the end and the beginning at the same time.

"Beautiful." She turned her head towards the voice that had stated the compliment.

Saxon sat beside her, seemingly looking at the horizon at how the sun reflected on the sea. Having an expression of melancholy and a mix of something unfathomably dark as his eyes trailed from the horizon to the rocky shores below the cliff. His eyes gradually turned soft as he turned to look at her.

"The sunrise, I meant." He retracted as he saw she was looking at him before looking away.

"I know." Aella replied before she looked back at the horizon. She felt as though she had swallowed the sun with the warm bubbling feeling within when she first heard what he said.

Watching the sunrise, as Aella sat on a tree stamp near the edge of a cliff that had a clear view of the coast below. Jiangyu's point, where Aella and Saxon were given a whole overview of the west coast. The waves of the Enchanted Depths could be heard crashing onto the rocky shore down below. The cool ocean breezes washed up to them giving a fresh smell of salty wet grass that seemed to be more relaxing than ever.

"Do you know why this is called Jiangyu's point?" Saxon suddenly said, breaking the silence that had engulfed them. Ever since Aella broke her leg, Saxon had been one to never leave her side and took care of her most of the time.

Aella stared into the ocean already knowing that story since it had been told to her a hundred times by her mother. Shaking her head as she found herself wanting to hear Saxon's melodic voice that seemed to contrast to the rough sounds of waves crashing. She found herself craving for his company lately, she felt at peace and safe whenever he was around. As though being with him created an illusion to her that the world was at peace and that had nothing to be worried about.

"According to myth, the god of the sea would go to the realm of mortals. He mingled with them and watched as they explored their curiosity regarding the sea. He was fascinated by how they tried to conquer and cross the treacherous, unpredictable waters. He would sit here on this very tree stamp to watch as they tried to cross his domain either with the sun high, the moon low or with thunder clouds looming overhead. He would watch over those ships, making decisions here on which ships to protect and which ships he should sink. If you ask me, I think he just stayed here to ogle at the water nymphs without his wife finding out." Saxon said it in such a casual way that it made Aella turn to him.

"The way you word that makes it sound like you know the sea god himself." Aella laughs as she said these words, her laughter made him smile at her as it sounded like an something from the Chensi to his ears and for him to compare her to the twelve Chensi, the gods that handled music and arts was something as he had already heard them perform, was saying something.

She sighed before looking at him with a curious gaze. "I still don't get why it's called Jiangyu's point. What you told me was a simple myth about the cliff, not why it was named after the deity of imprisonment."

Andgiet Scinn: OneirophobiaWhere stories live. Discover now