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Aella stood protectively in front of Luna clutching her injured arm as her grip on the hilt of the sword tightened, being cornered like two wild animals were hunted by a bunch of poachers backing to a wall fighting not to be placed into a cage and leash.

Clutching her sword as her eyes glazed over the number of people surrounding them, her chest tightened as her breath was caught in her throat. Her heart beating loudly in her ears, accompanied by a ringing sound of silence. The foul bitter taste of her bile slowly climbing up, her eyes still emotionless even though she was worried and terrified on the inside. The feeling of her blood turning into ice as her eyes searched for a way out.

She hated it, she hated the feeling of being vulnerable again and she hated him the most for making her feel this way once more. He did it once in the past but she was not the same little girl who knew nothing but hid behind her father. She could feel her body shaking either in hatred or in fear

"Are we going to die?" Luna's voice cracking nearly cracked her as well. Making her think about what could have most possibly gone wrong before this moment.

Her mind is trying to find what happened that led to their current predicament. Recalling a few hours prior to what was happening now trying to find what they did wrong.

Climbing the mountain from its blind spot was hard enough but it was even much more challenging doing it while a snow storm occurred.

Her fingers felt numb with the winter air surrounding her, despite the gloves she wore she could still feel the frostbite creeping up her phalanges. Her limbs felt as though it were going to break off any moment. Her breath being the only contrast to the freezing air, warming up her face whenever she breathed out and yet each breath she took made it feel as though her air tract was on fire.

Her lashes were white with the snow that fell on her face, she could not feel her nose anymore that was turning a permanent shade of red. Her cheeks felt dry and itchy as the blood rushed there as well in an attempt to keep her body warm. All she could hear was the howling by her ear, and her eyes felt dry from the snow and wind. Panting as she tried to push herself further up, climbing until she reached a cave on the side, her companions were already there with a fire.

"Do you ever feel anything? Look at her, she seems unfazed as always." Ethan asked as he looked at Aella in disbelief as she approached them and held her hand out to try to warm her fingers again.

"She's the Ice Queen, of course she isn't. Have you seen the cold glint in her eyes?" Leo retired which earned him a hit

Aella rolled her eyes at his statement, maintaining a composed composure until she could feel her fingers again.

"I am afraid we'll end up with frost bites before we even reach the citadel." Mia complained as she shook the snow off of her hair.

"Imagine the look on their faces once they see a bunch of snowmen attacking them." Ethan chuckled at the idea of attacking the citadel as snowmen, the others chuckled along with the little joke he made.

Everyone fell silent after a few moments before looking out into the snowstorm outside of the cave, the blizzard was looking angrier and stronger than ever. Howling and pounding of the wind on the walls of the cave like a giant's in a deadly fist fight trying to break the stone walls of each other.

"I can see now why Wakethon Peak has a formidable reputation." Luna said while she clutched her coat tighter as she shivered.

Saxon laughed at the statement, making most look at him as though he was crazy. He seemed unbothered though as he continued to chuckle speaking once his fits of laughter had stopped. "This is Walkathon being nice and gentle to us. If the mountains were awake we would not even be able to make it here. The peaks have been in slumber for centuries so it's calmer now."

Andgiet Scinn: OneirophobiaWhere stories live. Discover now