Chapter 14

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"Do you want to be that slayer?"

I looked at Yoriichi sama in astonishment.

"Me?" He nodded.

"But Yoriichi sama,I am not a demon slayer,I don't know how to fight or how to use a sword".

He looked at me with the same blank expression:"I know,but trust me,you are talented and you have great power within you".

I looked down,Millions of thoughts began to sweep through my mind. Me as a demon slayer? But this is impossible. I never thought that I would join them. Am I ready for this responsibility? Is this really what I want? But Yoritishi-sama is looking for someone to achieve his goal. I remember Akaza's words.

"You are not weak at all,you are just lost".

"have a propose in your life and live for it,you are strong, Never underestimate your abilities Do not listen to the words of weak fools, and do not let their words affect you, You have to keep living because you deserve it."

I felt Yoriichi sama put his hand on my head.

"I know I am asking you so much,but you have to know,you are not cursed nor a bad furniture,you are special you have born for some reason".

Tears started falling down,for some reason I remembered Sanemi's words,

"Why are you still alive,you are worthless".

I got down on my knees and cried so hard, I felt like my heart was going to explode.

"I believe in you ".

"A-Arigato..... A-Arigato Yoriichi sama". I smiled still crying.

He looked at me with soft eyes.those eyes that I won't forget at all.

Finally,I have a goal ,my life isn't meanless,I am not wothless,someone believe in me,and I am not going to failed him.

I will use my power for humanity,I will not let others suffer like I did.I am going to be a demon slayer.I will fulfill Yoriichi-sama's wish.I will do my best.

Next day I woke up early,I ate breakfast and feed Mei.then I went to work.

Yoriichi sama told me that he would start training me after I finished my work. He asked me to bring some wooden and iron swords and some wooden dolls to use in sword training.

When I finished my work, I quickly headed home. I was excited about training and anxious at the same time.I hope I don't embarrass myself in front of a great swordsman.

I changed my clothes into a black hakama and (f/c) nagagi kimono with pair of zori and tabi socks,quickly and went to the yard,it was night time.

"Yoriichi sama!" I called him.soon he appeare.I bowed to him and greet we are going to start training.

Through Love and hate (Sanemi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now