Chapter 40

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" the hell you are doing here?" We heard someone growling behind us,as soon as me and Tomioka san turned ours heads to see only the wind Hashira himself standing while looking extremely furious.

I rolled my eyes looking at him, while Giyuu sand was ignoring him,

"Oi you!,rat face! The hell you are doing here, I was clear that I don't want u to come to here!".

Giyuu didn't say anything, so I speak up.

" He is my guest and he is welcome here anytime he wants. He did not come to see a rude person like you. Go away and do not interfere in anyone else's affairs" ,I looked at him with a disgust.

Sanemi was about to explode! He can't get it any more, He was about to kill Tomioka right now until (y/n) took Giyuu's hand and took him inside her house and closing the door harshly.

Sanemi looked at her front door for a while, he didn't like it at all, he will make sure to beat up Tomioka soon.

"Ah Giyuu san, sorry about that" I bowed.

He looked at me :"there is nothing to apologize for, thank u".

I smiled:"you are welcome,come on let's have tea"

We sat down facing each other:"So how was your last mission Giyuu san? Everything went well I suppose?".

"Indeed,I was sent to help a few lower ranks slayers after they faced one of the powerful demons".

I smiled:"that's really good".

He looked at me for a while with a blank expression. I can't sometimes read his mind despite the fact he is smooth like water.

"If you don't mind, Why do you have a problem with the wind Hashira?". He said out of nowhere.

I gulped, surprised to hear him saying that.I put the tea cup aside and I said.

"I don't know, he is always like that towards everyone".


My eyes got wide:" what?".

" I said you are laying".

I kept shut and didn't say anything.

"So what's up with me being a liar or even having some problems with my comrades, everyone has problems".

He didn't say anything , he just stared at me.

"I have nothing against it, but if you continue to ignore the training at the headquarters center and do not want to train with us, this will affect you as Hashira. You should not stop training".

I sighed:"I don't know, I just I can't handle his stupidity anymore".

He said:"no one did". I could swear he was smirking.

Through Love and hate (Sanemi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now