Chapter 18

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Two weeks passed while I was at Urokudaki-sama's house

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Two weeks passed while I was at Urokudaki-sama's house. We were training together during that period. I learned a lot from him, especially in terms of controlling my emotions when I was angry, and turning things around in my favor during difficult times.

"The strength does not lie only in the body or the skill. It also lies in tipping the scales in your favor. And remember, saving the innocents should be one of your priorities. Even if it costs you your life.".

I nodded:"Hai Urokudaki sama,I will".I am really grateful to him.

Today i am going to Mount Fujikasane to pass the final Selection.I got up early and ate my breakfast with Urokodaki sama. I fed my cat Mei and started to pack my things, food ,water Some painkillers,bandages... my Nichirin sword.

I changed my clothes into a black Hakama,(f/c) nagagi kimono and I wore a bright red Haori,like my trainer Yoriichi sama (you can change the color it you like ). I wore a pair of zori with red straps and white tabi socks.

Mei came to me ,she was meowing since morning.

"Mei I have to go now,I am not going to leave you forever,it just a week,Urokodaki sama will take care of you,i will come back soon" she meowed sadly.

"I know,I will miss you too" I hold her and kissed her head.

I went outside ready to leave, Urokodaki sama was standing at the door.he gave me a fox mask.

"I usually give those to my students for good luck".

I smiled happily and got on my keens:"Arigato Urokodaki sama,for everything."

He patted my head:"there is nothing to thank me for,go now,and be safe".

I waved at him and I start running.I put his mask in my bag,I didn't want to ruin it.

It took me a whole day to get there.The place was full of purple wisteria trees.The place was beautiful and wonderful. I went up the stairs.  To get to a square. There were a lot of people here. They all carry swords. They must all be here to pass the exam. I sat down on a nearby rock and closed my eyes and started thinking. I wanted to relax before the exam started.  Suddenly, I heard the voice of a girl close to me. She was a young girl of about fourteen standing in front of a tree. She was showing signs of panic.  I was about to go to it when I heard applause.

I truned around to see two young girls wearing the same dark purple kimono,one of them had a black hair and the other a white hair.they were holding lanterns.

"Konbawa, Today we welcome you to Mount Fujikasane to pass the final test and become an official Demon slayer".

"As you can see,Westeria flowers bloom every season from the mountain's foot to its slope. The area around the mountaintop does not have any wisteria flowers and is infested with demons. which were caught alive and placed on the mountain by existing Demon Slayers.

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