Chapter 34

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While I was working,I heard someone walking towards me.

"Mochi Moch, daijobo desuka (y/n) san?". It was Shinobo.she was smiling .

I greet her"Hello Kocho". I didn't want to talk to her right now,so I return to work.

She looked at me confused:"Ari! (Y/n) san, why are you working right now? Your wrists and hands still injured".

I sighed:"really? I didn't notice, thanks to the one who suggest that I should fix this place".

She chuckled:"Ara Ara, (y/n) san,Stop complaining,I mean until you are fully healed. But it's cold here, come on go to my estate, than you can work when your injuries will be healed".

I sighed and looked away:" I just want to finish this work, thank you kocho, I will keep working".

She looked at me for a long time:"You seem frustrated, is it because of what happened today?".

I looked down,not answering her question.she looked at me for a long time

"Ara Ara (y/n) san, it's rude to ignore people ,cheer up again, and forget what happened. I'll go now. If you want to come back, you can. It's cold here". Then she quickly left.

Then I went back to work. I was carrying heavy logs from one place to another. I felt pain in my wrists, and the cold was intense, but I didn't really care. Suddenly I felt like I was being watched. I turned around and looked in all directions, but I didn't find anyone. Maybe it was just a passerby.

"What are you doing here ".

I turned around to see Giyuu standing there.

"Ah hi Giyuu san, I am fixing this place".

He looked at me with a blank expression:"You wrists are still injured, you are bleeding!".

He approached me and took the tree trunk out of my hands, then grabbed my wrists to examine them.

"You are bleeding bad,how can you work like that? You are hurting your self".

I looked down:"I just want to finish as soon as possible".

He didn't say anything,he grabbed some bandages and started changing my old one, this action made me blush. He was so gentle,like he didn't want to hurt me. He was focused on my wrists while I was looking at him.

On other side,Sanemi was looking for (y/n) on the Butterfly estate, but he didn't find her there,one of the girls told him that she went outside to fix the area, he got annoyed and went towards the place.

When he arrived, he started sneaking between the trees. When he spotted her, he hid behind a tree and started watching her from afar.She is carrying heavy trees.

He frowned :"That idiot, what the hell she is working at this time, her wounds have not yet recovered, and why is she wearing thin clothes in this bitter cold? Has she gone mad?".

Through Love and hate (Sanemi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now