Chapter One

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As I lay upon the cold steel of an autopsy table, a white cloth or rather a mortuary sheet envelops my entire body. The room is quiet, the air heavy with a strange silence. The dim light casts long shadows, dancing across the sterile walls. The cloth, clean and untainted, conceal me from the prying eyes of those who have gathered. As the world slowly came into focus, I felt a sharp sensation in my head, as if a hammer had collided with my skull.

My mind raced, desperately searching for answers, but all I found was a blank— I strained my mind, desperately attempting to recall the events that led me to this very moment. The last thing I remember is a bunch of men chasing after me. That's it. At first, I thought I was already dead. My body felt heavy as if it had lost all life and vitality. Darkness surrounded me, engulfing my senses and leaving me confused. Panic began to rise within me, my heart pounding in my chest. Was this what it felt like to be a spirit, trapped in the void between life and death?

I removed the mortuary sheet from my face. Blinking my eyes open, I squinted as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. I look around and realize that I am most likely inside a morgue. I was lying there, contemplating my next move, when suddenly, a faint sound caught my attention. It was the distant murmur of voices, growing louder with each passing second. Instinctively, I froze at the autopsy table, my body tensing up as I strained to listen.

Who could it be? What were they saying? My mind raced with questions, but I dared not move a muscle. The voices drew nearer, their words becoming clearer, until finally, I could make out snippets of conversation. I waited patiently, my heart pounding in my chest, as I carefully placed the mortuary sheet back over my face. I could hear their footsteps approaching, growing louder with each passing second. The anticipation was almost unbearable as they finally reached the bed where I lay hidden.

"As I looked around the park, my eyes landed on her. Ron, the forensic expert, informed me that they didn't observe anything out of the ordinary with the woman's body. Maybe the culprit had just passed by us, completely oblivious to our presence. As I examined her at the park, I could still feel the warmth of her body, almost as if she was still alive. However, when I checked her vital points there were absence of pulses, indicating that life had already left her body."

At the park?!?!

"Toto, I get the impression that we have stumbled upon something possibly dangerous. Fritz also shared with me that he is unable to locate any information on this person. Not even her name, age, residence, or the location from whence she originated. In short, either she does not exist or it is not intended for her to exist. How did you manage to find yourself in this obscurity, little miss nobody?"

Ron and Toto? who would have believed that fate would lead me to the individuals who I had been seeking for?

"Ron, what are your thoughts on this? It's possible that she belongs to the M. Family if she doesn't even have the basic records... There is a likelihood that she is some kind of a killer on the loose."

"Who knows? Let's not draw any rash conclusions right away. That must be why there are people like us who work as detectives, right? What happens next is up to time. It is getting late, so I think we should head home."

After their conversation, they have left. I remove the cloth that's covering my body, feeling a sense of relief as the fabric slips off my skin. I glance around the room, searching for something suitable to wear.

Luckily, I spotted a stack of lab gowns nearby. Before I left, I made sure to put another body in exchange for mine. I discovered substances that could be used to erase my tracks from the steel. Of course, I had used them.

Now onto the next phase. I take a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. It's been a long journey to get here, but I'm determined to see it through. I gather my thoughts and focus on the task at hand.

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