Chapter Thirteen

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Ron's POV

As I laid my eyes upon her dead body, a wave of recognition washed over me. It didn't take me long to piece together the puzzle and realize who she was. Memories from my childhood came rushing back, flooding my mind with a mix of emotions. I found myself yearning to extend the precious moments we shared, so I devised a plan to pretend that I was trying to solve the mystery of her identity. However, deep down, I must confess that my motives were driven by my own selfish desires. 

let me tell you about the time I helped (Y/N) search for her lost toys. Picture this: (Y/N) was in a state of panic, frantically tearing through every nook and cranny of the house, desperately trying to find her beloved toys. And there I was, the brave "hero," ready to lend a hand. Now, let me set the scene for you. The house was a mess, like a tornado had just swept. Our mission? To find the teapot that had mysteriously disappeared. We searched high and low, turning the house upside down in our mission. She was convinced that the teapot had grown legs and run off on its own little escapade.

Corny as may it seem, but I never knew at a very young age, as young as six years old, I would fall in love with a clumsy girl. Now, I know what you're thinking. How can a six-year-old know what love is? Trust me, I had the same doubts. But there was something about this girl's clumsiness that had me head over heels. Maybe it was the way she tripped over her own two feet, or how she managed to spill juice on herself every single day. It was like watching a real-life comedy show, and I couldn't get enough. Our memories were legendary, filled with scraped knees, broken toys, and laughter that echoed through the neighborhood.

People would often stop and stare, wondering how two kids could find so much joy in the chaos.

Oh, let me tell you about the time that (Y/N) took a fall and injured her knee! It was a day filled with laughter and unexpected events. We were walking along, minding our own business, when suddenly, out of nowhere, she tripped on the most invisible obstacle known to mankind. There she was, gracefully gliding through the air like a majestic swan, only to crash-land on a thick wooden stick. There I was, minding my own business, when I noticed her staring at her knee like it held the secrets of the universe. I mean, who knew knees were so fascinating, right? But then, out of nowhere, she suddenly glanced in my direction and our eyes locked. Uh-oh, I thought, she knows that I know what just went down. And let me tell you, She burst into tears like her favorite ice cream flavor had been discontinued. 

And if that wasn't dramatic enough, she wailed, "It's the end of the world! I'm dying!"

Now, I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure staring at her knee doesn't usually lead to the the end of the world. All I know is, this girl was convinced that her life was hanging by a thread, and that thread was her knee. In the end, I couldn't resist. I let out a laugh, which only made her cry even harder. Oops, my bad. But hey, if you're gonna make a scene about your knee, you better be prepared for a few giggles. 

(Y/N) was in distress, and I knew I had to save the day. With lightning speed, I dashed towards her, my cape billowing heroically in the wind (okay, maybe it was just my hoodie, but let's go with the cape for dramatic effect). With the speed of a cheetah, I reached my house and grabbed the first aid kit. As I proudly held the kit in my hands, I couldn't help but feel like a superhero with a utility belt. I opened it up, ready to unleash my healing powers. With the precision of a "surgeon", I carefully cleaned her wound, making sure to rid it of any pesky germs.

She turned to me with a twinkle in her eye and spoke, "You have such beautiful eyes, Ron." Now, let me tell you, I mean, sure, I've been told I have eyes that could rival the shimmer of a thousand stars, but to hear it from her lips was like winning the lottery while riding a unicorn. My heart did a little happy dance, and I swear I could feel my cheeks turning a shade of red. 

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