Chapter Nineteen

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I find myself thinking about the confusing path that has led me to this moment. In just two short days, I will be standing at the altar, set up to take the first step on a new chapter of my life. The thought of saying "I do" to the person I don't love makes me sick. As I lay there, my heart raced with a mix of guilt and anger. But this person lying next to me was not my fiancé. How did I end up in this situation? As I looked at Ron's peaceful face as he was sleeping next to me, an overwhelming feeling of reflection poured over me. In the depths of my mind, a thought emerged, whispering softly, "It should have been you, Ron, the one I chose to spend my life with." I knew deep down that going to his place was a mistake, but my stubbornness got the best of me.

When I started to get up, Ron reached out and grabbed my wrist. His soothing voice envelops me, putting me under a spell that makes me want to remain here for all of time. The smooth manner in which his voice expresses an aura of sleepiness simply adds to the charm of it, bringing me closer to him.

"Leaving already?"

Fuck, I thought he was deep asleep. But damn, he's sleepy voice is so cute. 

"I have to."

Ron's firm grip on pulled me back. I could feel the strength in his grasp, a clear indication that he wanted me to stay. Now, as I find myself lying next to him again, our faces are mere inches apart. I noticed that his face was partially hidden by a few strands of hair. Without hesitation, I reached out and gently brushed them aside, revealing his features in all their glory.

Why you gotta be this handsome?!

"Like what you see?" His eyes still closed. 

I blushed and pushed his face. 

He pulled me gently toward him. Time stood still and the world around us appeared to fade at that instant. As he drew me into a tight hug, I felt his chin rest softly on the top of my head. "Please stay a little longer, baby."

I remained silent. Suddenly, both of my wrists were securely gripped by his hands, making me helpless on the floor. Without warning, he started kissing every part of my face, from my forehead to my cheeks, leaving a path of love and clingyness.  

Between my giggles, "What are you doing, Ron?"

"Marking every inch of your face before you leave, of course."

After all of the laughter, it's finally time to get serious.

"Ron, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but I must get going. Even if I don't have a clear idea of how things will play out, I have no choice but to return to Mylo."

A heavy silence fell upon the room, mirroring the profound sadness written across his face.

"I know that, (Y/N)."

"What's your plan now?" I asked.

"My mind is operating at a mere 1% capacity at this moment. Submit to Mylo's control and have confidence in my ability to handle the rest."

Ron gave me a peck on the cheek before placing his lips to mine and said, "I wish we had more time, but please have faith in me."

After some discussion, we came to a conclusion. He expressed regret for the chaos he caused and the outburst of anger. We made an effort to come up with a strategy, but with how little time we have, I have no choice but to put my trust in Ron. After that, he gave me his word that he would continue to love me no matter what the future holds.

As I make my way back to the Moriarty residence, we say our goodbyes and part ways. The fact that I was able to get into the security systems is one of my green flags. The door opened for me without any difficulty, and I was able to go inside. When I finally made it to my room within the Moriarty's, I found that everything was operating normally. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and attempted to keep the hickies that Ron created a secret from everyone there. 

Good thing, I have full coverage concealers here. 

Everything appeared to be acting as usual, and it appears that no one even noticed that I was away for a whole day. After all that happened, I made the decision to stop moving around and look for for Mylo. I went to his office many times and knocked on the door, but it seems that he is not there. A maid came up to me before I went back to my room and informed me that Mylo hadn't been home in two days since he had been so preoccupied with the preparations for our wedding. 

And it made me think, perhaps he is genuinely committed to marrying me?

Setting aside the events of the day, I made my way back to my room, trying to relax and a much-needed rest. The weight of the world seemed to lift off my shoulders as I closed the door behind me. With a sigh of relief, I fell asleep right away, feeling the exhaustion seep into my bones. However, in the depths of the night, my peaceful rest was quickly disturbed by an audible sound. The creaking of my bedroom door echoed through the silence, jolting me awake from my bed. I slowly rose from my bed as I wondered who this person could be. 

"Mylo, is that you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry I woke you up."

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

I watched as Mylo carefully removed his coat, He then settled down beside me. As I observed him, I couldn't help but notice the tiredness written across his face. In addition to that, it is the very first time that he has done anything so bold.

He hugged me from behind and I didn't say anything. 



"Because you're so important to me, I'm doing all I can to ensure your happiness. It's been a busy few days, so please forgive me if I haven't been as present as I'd want to be. In spite of everything going on, my mind is never far from you, particularly as we make preparations for our wedding. My thoughts are filled with happy thoughts because of you, and I can only see love and happiness in our future together."

"Mylo, can I ask you something? I'm not doubting you but, do you really love me?"

"I love you too much that it feels like my heart might burst with happiness. Your smile is my favorite view, and the warmth of your presence is my favorite comfort. I love you too much that even the little things you do make my heart skip a beat. You're my joy, my love, my everything, and I can't imagine a day without you by my side. And I really longed for this wedding to happen, I can't lose you again."

"(Y/N), can I ask you something as well?" He added. 

I remained silent and not turning to face him. 

"How bout you, (Y/N)? Do you love me?"



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