Chapter Four

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"Wow. The rumors are true that you're a great detective. Care to explain to me how and why and when you figured it out?"

"I've been wondering (Y/N), Did you know that an average person who has just awoken from a sleep would not be interested in listening to the news? But you did the opposite. You wouldn't interfere with the files Toto had brought if you weren't interested. You even reviewed the files while knowing they were highly confidential. Your pulse rate is increasing no matter how hard you attempt to seem natural while skimming through the files. How did I find out? It's due to the pulsing vein in your neck, which has become highly noticeable."

"So that's why you asked for my thoughts regarding the case?"

"Correct. Aside from that, you said that your mother had been murdered in a manner that was similar to the case that we worked on today. You just now verified that you are the lone remaining member of the Spade Family and the single survivor. You wouldn't be interested in such a case if you did not experience something like that yourself, right? You are really interested in the news since you don't have a lot of time left. The person who is trying to capture you is dropping hints that they are watching you by reopening old wounds from your past and is aware that you escaped death once again. As a final note, I only own one book that is in any way related to Sam Spade. It was clear when I took up the book that you had been covering over your face while you were sleeping that it was indeed that book."

"You got me, Ron. Damn, I thought I could stay here for a little bit longer. With that being said, it was a pleasure meeting you, I'll be on my way." Ron grabbed my wrist just as I was going to rise up, preventing me from doing so.  I glanced down at my wrist before turning my attention to him. As soon as he realized what he had done, he released his grip on my wrist and immediately apologized for his actions.

"Do you need anything from me?" I asked.

"I'm determined to learn all there is to know about you. I'm not great at making new friends, but when I saw your dead dead body, I had the strangest feeling that I knew you from somewhere."

"Hmm, the only thing I can say is, time will tell."

"Don't use my words against me, Spade. If you're that knowledgable about my life, I assume you're also aware that it's been five years since-"

"Since the bloody incident. I know, Ron."

"Whatever is bothering, you. I can help you. So please, help me in return." Ron pleaded.

"So what do you want me to do?"


"And why would I do that, Ron?"

"Because I am able to help you with your family's case. I read about your family's case while I was still in BLUE, and I have a clue know who's behind it."

I sat back down and smiled at Ron. He's not wrong when he said he knew me from somewhere, but I can't reveal anything to him. If I do, he'll get caught up in my mess that I'm trying to assess. The less he know, the better. And I feel like this is not only the reason why he wanted me to stay, I  think it's way beyond helping him to get his license back. I couldn't help but sense that there was something more to his request for me to stay.

It seemed like there was a deeper motivation driving him, something beyond just the desire to regain his license.

"Ron, I also have an idea who did that to my family because they are the same people who sent me here. That's the only thing I can tell you for now, because I wanted to be the one to solve this case and face the person who is behind all of this. I'll help you with your license, you don't have to worry about that."

"Can we scrape the bargain and make a new one?"

I remained silent, waiting for him to talk.

"You will stay here as long as I until I discover who you really are, in exchange, you will help me with my license. Deal?"

Without hesitation, "Deal."

Ron stood up like a kid and waved his hands in the air. "The turned have tables, (Y/N)!"

"It's the tables have turned, Ron..."

"So, what now?" I added.

"Since we're stuck in this crazy roommate situation, let's make the most of it and embark on a wild journey of understanding each other's characteristics. Who knows, we might end up being the best sitcom duo ever! or, maybe we'll trust each other enough to share our Netflix, passwords and our type? I mean there's absolutely nothing else to do, unless you count the number of dust particles on the ceiling. In reality, It looks like you've hit rock bottom and now you've got a whole entourage of people chasing after you like you're the star of a low-budget action movie. And here I am, the world's unluckiest detective, banned from investigating anything! If we were any more perfect together, we'd have our own reality show! if it isn't a dynamic duo of idleness!"

I never saw this coming, but Ron is quite a funny person. if this guy keeps yapping like a parrot, I bet no one would have ever suspected him to be a detective!

"You never answered my question!" I argued.

"How about we embark on a quest to hydrate ourselves with the elixir of life? I mean have a couple of bottles of liquid courage there that could keep us two company. We can drink until our hearts start doing the Macarena, while listening to each other's questionable singing, and then gracefully pass out like majestic, slightly intoxicated platypuses!"

"Liquid courage? you mean alcohol?"


I gave a thumbs-up sign with my hand to indicate that I was willing to drink. He sprinted to the kitchen like a cheetah chasing its prey, only to come out successful with a bottle of "liquid courage". To my utter astonishment, I was completely caught off guard when he showed up with enough bottles to start his own mini bar.

I reached for the vodka and immediately began chugging it down. When Ron realized that I was sipping straight from the bottle, I watched as his jaw fell.

"What? since you brought too many bottles why not drink it directly from the bottle?"

"Good point."

To my surprise, Ron snatched a bottle of his own and consumed it down like it was water. He drank from the bottle, then turned to me and said,

"Let the fun, begin."

𝘉𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘊𝘢𝘴𝘦 | 𝚁𝚘𝚗 𝙺𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝟷𝟾+Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum