Chapter Twentytwo

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Ron's POV

I spend every waking moment racking my brain on how to rescue (Y/N) from Mylo's clutches. It's like a constant puzzle I'm trying to solve, with every piece of information I gather bringing me closer to the solution. Sometimes, amidst the stress and tension, I find myself drifting into these daydreams where (Y/N) and I am living it up, toasting our freedom like we just won the lottery. We're laughing and dancing like nobody's watching, basking in the sweet taste of victory.

But then reality slaps me in the face, hard, and I'm abruptly snapped back to the harsh truth of our situation. The image of Mylo, smirking and planting kisses on (Y/N)'s cheek, haunts my thoughts like a recurring nightmare. It's like some messed-up soap opera plot unfolding right before my eyes, and I'm stuck playing the role of the hapless bystander, powerless to intervene. The juxtaposition of these goofy daydreams and the grim reality of Mylo's hold over (Y/N) is enough to drive anyone mad, but I refuse to let it break me. Determined to find a way out of this twisted tale, I steel myself for the challenges ahead, knowing that the path to freedom won't be easy, but it's a journey worth fighting for.

The night before the wedding, I found myself stress-eating brown sugar like it was going out of style. I mean, who knew comfort food could be so addictive, right? As I overdosed myself with brown sugar, I couldn't help but feel like the solution was right there, just teasing me from the edge of my consciousness. At one point, I swear I channeled my inner Dr. Strange, desperately searching for even the tiniest glimpse of a way out of (Y/N)'s misery.

And then, just when I thought I was losing my mind, I caught sight of an empty space in my apartment. But instead of seeing nothing, I saw her—(Y/N)'s radiant smile beaming back at me. It was like a cheesy rom-com moment, but hey, who am I to argue with fate? Deep down, I knew I'd find a way to wipe that worry off her face and replace it with that sweet smile of hers.

As the moments ticked by, I found myself lost in the depth of my love for her. It's as if the universe itself conspired to bring us together, orchestrating our paths to intersect in the most unexpected of ways. Despite the obstacles thrown along our story, I refuse to let anything hinder our quest for a lifetime of happiness together.

I shook my head, trying to clear the fog in my brain. Standing up, I headed to the fridge for more brown sugar—my go-to comfort snack. But as I opened the fridge door, something unexpected dropped down: an invitation to Mylo and (Y/N)'s wedding. I took a closer look at the invite and suddenly, everything clicked. Memories flooded back, and I realized what had been staring me in the face all along. The blue orchids, (Y/N)'s family, and that mysterious kid with the flower—it all pointed to one thing: Mylo was behind the tragedy that tore (Y/N)'s family apart. 

I couldn't believe it. My blood boiled with anger as I connected the dots, realizing Mylo had been deceiving us the whole time. It was like a slap in the face, seeing how he'd played us for fools. And then it hit me—a memory from (Y/N)'s house, a glimpse of Mylo with a blue orchid in hand. He'd been right under my nose, hiding his dark secrets in plain sight. As I grappled with this revelation, my mind raced back to a moment at (Y/N)'s house—a brief glimpse of Mylo clutching a blue orchid. It was a chilling reminder that danger can lurk where you least expect it. And now, armed with this knowledge, I knew I had to confront Mylo and put an end to his deception once and for all.

On the day of the wedding, I reached out to Toto, asking him to accompany me to the ceremony. This time, I was determined not to let Mylo get away with his deceit. I knew I needed someone by my side who I could trust, someone who wouldn't be swayed by Mylo's. Together, Toto and I would expose Mylo for who he truly was and ensure that justice prevailed.

I didn't exactly spill the beans to Toto about the destination right away. I mean, who wants to be the bearer of bad news, right? I couldn't risk scaring him off before we even got there! Plus, I had this suspicion that if I dropped the bomb too soon, he'd pull a disappearing act quicker than you can say "wedding bells." So, I kept things hush-hush, figuring I'd break it to him gently once we were already on our way. After all, what are friends for if not for surprising them with impromptu adventures to potentially complicate things?

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