Chapter Five

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After one drink after another, we were beginning to feel the effects of alcohol. We were laughing as if there were anything in the situation to find humorous. It's been a long since I've felt this happy.

We were so desperate for entertainment that we started treating alcohol labels like a thrilling board game.

Well, technically I was the one who started it. "Did you know that the name "vodka" comes from the Slavic word "voda," which literally translates as "water"? This reflects the fact that vodka was traditionally used for medical reasons and as a method of water purification. By the way, are you also drinking vodka?"

Ron chugged. "Indeed, Mi lady. Did you know that, vodka is noted for having a taste profile that is rather neutral, which makes it a suitable basis for many types of drinks? It is often devoid of robust tastes other than alcohol because of the distillation process, which brings it to a high degree of purity?"

"You know your stuff, Detective Ron."

"Did you know that, Some people find it easier to express their emotions, especially sentiments of tenderness or vulnerability, after drinking alcohol because it lowers their inhibitions and reduces their level of social anxiety." He added.

"Well well well, dopamine is one of the neurotransmitters that may be increased by drinking alcohol, which also has the effect of elevating mood. A more upbeat and sociable disposition may emerge as a natural consequence of your increased mood."

I must admit, it's quite impressive how effortlessly I manage to say these things about alcohol, considering my lack of expertise in the matter.

"So tell me about yourself, Ron."

"I love brown sugar syrup."

"Uhm, I think that's pretty evident?!"

"Your turn, tell me about yourself."

"I am drunk, right now."

We both burst into laughter. "it appears that even the esteemed descent of the legendary Sam Spade couldn't escape the clutches of peculiar sense of humor."

"Can I ask you something, Mi lady?"

"Mi lady?! where did come from? Anyways go ahead."

Ron corrected his seating position and moved closer to me. He even forgot to take his bottle with him. "You said, My eyes possess an extraordinary power, capable of bending your will to my every desire, what do you mean by that?"

Shit. When I became captivated by the intensity of his gaze, I did in fact utter those words. What should I say in response to that? While I am in this state, I don't believe I will be able to provide an appropriate response to his question.

I drank before answering his question.


"From the way you carry yourself, I can tell that I surprised you and caught you off guard. You do not know how you are going to respond to that question since you are shocked by the fact that you spoke such words."

He is right.

"You're, right. I didn't know why I said that. It just came out of me."

I moved closer to Ron, my heart pounding with anticipation. With a gentle touch, I repeated the exact gesture I had made before, carefully removing the stray hairs that were obscuring his beautiful eyes. I placed my hand on his forehead, gazing deeply into his eyes.

"The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very, very brightly,

"This is a line from the movie Blade Runner. "The light that burns twice as bright" denotes someone who lives life with great intensity, passion, or brightness. It gives the impression of a person who succeeds in many areas, is very successful, and is outstanding in some manner. The phrase "burns half as long" indicates that a life that is so passionate and remarkable may be fleeting or cannot be maintained over time. Those that push the limits or live their lives with an extreme intensity may not have a long lifetime or may have to face the repercussions of their actions. And, I see it your eyes Ron."

"Who knew you have this Romantic Side of you?"

I smiled at him. "I'm not yet done, Ron. Hush!"

"Okay, what do you mean by capable of bending your will to my every desire?"

"I am overwhelmed by the deep and profound connection we share, one that transcends the physical and delves into the realms of emotion and spirituality. In your presence, I feel an undeniable influence and an exquisite understanding that binds our souls together. I long to behold your journey and be a part of this beautiful experience. With your enchanting charm, I am captivated by your ability to sway my heart to fulfill your every wish."

"Having said that, all you have done is validate the emotions that I had when I saw your dead body. I am sure that I have encountered you before, but I can't remember our first encounter. If we hadn't previously spent some time together in the past, you wouldn't be able to say these things even if you wanted to."

"I see where this is going, Ron... you're trying to juice for information out of me, huh?"

"To tell you the truth, this is the very first time I've had the opportunity to have such an in-depth conversation with another person. When I saw your dead body, I got more than just the feeling that I had seen you before somewhere else. I felt like I knew you. It left me with the idea that you used to somebody important in my life at one point. The only thing that comes to mind about you is that there is a chance that we crossed paths when we were younger. Which reminds me of this one kid just strikes me as really bright and beautiful. She was also the first person I had ever met who had told me I had beautiful eyes. But, this girl completely vanished when I turned six years old."

I took my hand off his head. Yes, I am drunk, but this person is far more so. But how can he say this without slowing down, while staring me in the eyes the whole time?

"So do you have any clues or leads where this little girl could be right now?"

The distance between us was narrowed by Ron. Putting a few centimeters of space between our faces.

"I have an idea but, I can also confirm it right here, right now."

Ron's touch was gentle and tender as he caressed my cheek, his hand warm against my skin. His eyes locked onto mine, filled with a mixture of desire and affection. As he leaned closer, I could feel the warmth of his breath getting near my lips. Time seemed to stand still as our faces drew nearer, the world around us fading into the background. In that moment, it was just the two of us, lost in the depths of the influence of the alcohol. At this point,  I think I can nearly smell the smell of booze combined with his perfume.

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