Chapter Twentyone

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As Ron made his claim, silence fell over the room. All eyes turned towards Ron, waiting for him to elaborate on his statement. The tension in the air was noticeable as everyone held their breath. I glanced over at Mylo, trying to figure out the expression on his face. But, for some reason, I couldn't quite read him.

It felt as though a static noise had suddenly invaded my ears, making it difficult to focus. My vision became blurry, and I struggled to see things.

"Mylo, please tell me that's not true..."  

Mylo remained silent. 

I watched as Mylo's hand immediately reached behind his back, retrieving a gun. With an unshakable look in his eyes, he raised the weapon, pointing it directly at Ron.

"Are you going to take me away from (Y/N) like you took her family?" 

I watched as Ron slowly approached us. Suddenly, Ron came to a halt, frozen in his tracks. My eyes widened as I noticed the gun, its cold metal pressed firmly against his forehead. Time seemed to stand still as we all held our breath, waiting for what would happen next. 

"Ron, what are you doing?!"

"I will not, under any circumstances, allow this wedding to happen even if it kills me."

"You're right, Ron. I killed  her entire family and you're coming next. Send my regards, to the Spade family, will you?"

The mellifluous sound of Mylo's voice reached my ears. In the very moment before pressing the trigger, I managed to step in, exerting my strength to forcefully push Ron away. Mylo's aim failed, causing his shot to wander off course. The trajectory of the bullet, once destined for Ron, was suddenly changed.

"Mylo, are you out of your mind?! What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Ron and I fell to the ground, our bodies crashing on the floor. In an instant, my eyes spotted the trajectory of the bullet, its path heading towards vase. Carefully, I caressed Ron's cheek, my voice laced with concern as I looked into his eyes. With a slight nod of his head, he understood my situation and extended a helping hand, simultaneously rising to his feet. 

"It would seem that Mylo has not forgotten what happened in which he assassinated your family. Nevertheless, it seems that he has no intention of sharing you of this information with you. Therefore, I will explain to you how I figured it out." 

"Have you ever wondered how Mylo managed to get his hands on your mother's locket necklace? As I stood outside the yellow tape, the crime scene lay before me, a prohibited area where only the police and investigators were granted entry. Whispers of speculation filled the air, as everyone tried to piece together the fragments of information they had heard. I watched as the investigators meticulously combed through the area, their focused expressions revealing the gravity of the situation. Each step they took, each photograph they captured was meaningless because it was all for show. News of a tragedy had reached my ears, whispering tales of unspeakable dread that had unfolded within the walls of your home. Determined to to find out the truth, I found myself standing before your doorstep. Yet, as I approached, a strict figure in a uniform came to pass before me. A police officer, his gaze firm and strong, prohibited my entry. I begged with the officer, my voice trembling with urgency. Little did they know, I won't stop at anything. I kept this for so long because I know it's a crime to enter a crime scene without consent or if you are not part of the investigation. But, I was able to get through them by entering the door behind your house. Frustration got the better of me, and I slowly pushed it open. And there, in the center of the room, stood a figure. My heart skipped a beat as I tried to make out its features in the shadows. Who could it be? As I squinted my eyes. In the distance, I spotted a little boy, his small frame barely visible. In his hands, he delicately held a blue orchid... At first, I assumed it was just my imagination, but one day Mylo appeared in front of me in a crime scene that he staged "invited" me to your wedding, Now, everything made sense. My memories  began to come back, and it was at that moment that I became aware that it was Mylo who I had first saw inside your home."

With anger consuming me, sweat dripping from my hands, shivers running down my body, my eyes locked on Mylo. I tried to speak even if my heart is aching. Have you ever experienced that overwhelming sensation when the pain becomes so intense that your heart feels like it's losing strength? It's as if each beat weighs heavier than the last, and every breath is a struggle against an invisible force. In those moments, it's as if time stands still, and the world narrows down to the solitary rhythm of your own heartbeat.

"Mylo, did you really..."

"I did that so we could be happy-" 

I walked aggressively towards Mylo and slapped him.

"I was already happy, but you took everything from me. You're the very reason why I am suffering right now. Are you out of your mind? You took my family from me. Your actions have shattered the peace I once knew, leaving me to pick up the pieces of a life torn apart by your selfishness."

"(Y/N), I'm just doing what's best for you-"

"Best for me? How delusional are you to even think that I would be happy being with you, knowing that you took away my family from me? Not only did you snatch them away from me, but now you're planning to take away my freedom as well. So tell me, Mylo, is this your sick idea of happiness? Are you happy watching the person you love suffer because of your selfishness? Your actions have caused nothing but agony and despair, and I refuse to allow you to dictate my fate any longer. I will never find peace in your violence."

When I was about to turn my back, Mylo grabbed my wrist. Anger surged through me, and without hesitation, I slapped him once more. It seemed like he didn't quite grasp the severity of the situation. 

The sharp cracks of gunshots broke the silence around me as I was walking away. As I twisted on my foot, my body tightened up automatically, and my eyes locked on Mylo. His arm was stretched out above him, and the gun was pointing at the ceiling. At that point, the trajectory of the gun shifted in my direction. A wave of anger rose up inside me and pushed away any fear that was still there. It dawned on me that facing death was a small price to pay compared to having to spend another moment being suffocated by Mylo.

Damn, this fucker won't stop at all cost. Having let my feelings to take control of me, I allowed anger to build up inside of me once again. When I saw him aiming the gun at me, my blood began to boil, and my eyesight became completely dark. I hurried in the direction of Mylo, with the intention of strangling him with all of my might.

Where did he summon the audacity to point that gun in my direction? 

Men are so stupid. 

Just as I was about to get to him, the deafening noise of gunshots echoed out once more, stopping me from taking more steps. Scanning the surroundings, I searched for any indication of where the bullets had landed.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" I looked at Ron and Toto's direction. 

At first, I was confused why they have such scared and worried expression on their faces.

I turned my gaze back to Mylo.

Mylo spoke while still aiming the gun at me, "If I can't have you, then no one will."

I felt something wet and hot on my chest, and as I reached to touch it, a sinking realization washed over me—this was where the bullet had gone.... 

This is where the bullet landed....

After a few seconds, I coughed non stop blood. 

I looked at Mylo one last time and smiled while tears are building up. 

"I never knew that you would do something so nice to me like this. Thank you for freeing me. Everything that I have, even my own life, has been taken away from me by you. In the hands of the person who took my family away from me, I let my final breath to be taken by you as well. Perhaps in an other life I might be able to feel happiness. The happiness that I was unable to experience while I was still alive throughout my lifetime."

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