Chapter Seventeen

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Without a moment's hesitation, I quickly made my way out of the crime scene. The dark silence mounted heavy in the air as I hurriedly walked through the dimly lit streets, my mind racing with a mix of anger and adrenaline. Every step I took felt like a desperate attempt to isolate myself from the scene of the crime as if the very air around me was tainted with the weight of what had just transpired. As I eventually reached my apartment, I closed the door behind me, shutting out the outside world. Frustration flooded up inside me like a raging storm. My mind, clouded by the chaos within, was having difficulty functioning properly, leaving me feeling lost and disoriented.

My intuition told me that the Moriartys were involved, and it turned out to be true. It seems that (Y/N) was discovered to have met up with me, which is horrible. As of right now, Mylo views it as a kind of betrayal.

As I extend my hands outwards, a weird feeling begins to course through my fingertips. It's as if an invisible force flows within me, slowly enhancing with each passing moment. Due to frustration, I found myself giving in to the overwhelming surge of emotions that consumed me. Without a second thought, I unleashed my bottled-up anger by throwing various objects across the room.  

My emotions were running high, and I found myself on the brink of losing control. The room was filled with tension, and I could feel the weight of my anger building up inside me more and more. Desperate to release this frustration, I reached for the nearest object within my grasp - a glass. Without thinking twice, I tossed it across the room, watching as it shattered into countless shards upon impact. As the glass shattered, a sudden realization washed over me. I had gone too far. In the chaos of the moment, a sharp piece of glass had found its way to my cheek, leaving a cut.

As I sat during the chaos I had created, the sound of the doorbell echoed through the apartment, breaking the silence.I stood before the door, my hand trembling from anger as I reached out to take hold of handle. I carefully twisted it, allowing the door to creak open just a crack. But before I could fully process what was happening, an unseen force surged against the door, pushing it back with an unexpected strength. In an instant, the door swung wide open.

"Ron, what happened to your cheek?!"

"(Y/N)... what are doing here? Didn't I tell you not to reach out-" Her hands reached out automatically, pulling me back inside. She stopped on her tracks, her eyes widening in disbelief as she took in the sight of broken things scattered throughout the apartment.

"What happened..."

"Mylo stopped by at the crime scene and handed me a wedding invitation."

"Ron. Mylo sent someone to tail me, so I'm sorry to see you again. What this means is that I was discovered, and he accused me of betraying him. He moved the wedding to an earlier date as a kind of punishment."

"And you're here in front of me again... What are you doing, (Y/N)? My mistake; I assumed you were smarter than this. It seems that even the most basic of instructions is lost to you."

"I understand your anger, but that doesn't mean you can say those things to me. Maybe going here was a bad decision and a mistake."

"If you want this to work out, you had one job. And that is not reach out to me. Are you having trouble understanding what I'm trying to say?! Now tell me, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here because I wanted to tell you're the one I've always envisioned spending the rest of my life with, not Mylo."

My body automatically embraced her, moving with a force of its own. Tears streamed down her face instantly. I share the same sentiment. I, too, envisioned a lifetime of togetherness with her. I firmly grasped her cheeks and planted a tender kiss on her forehead.

"I know it's hard, but we'll find a way..."

She desperately tried to push me away, but something inside me couldn't resist. In that moment, I reached out and firmly grabbed her by the nape of her neck, pulling her closer to me. Our lips met in a passionate, unexpected kiss.

As our lips met, a surge of excitement coursed through me, growing with each passing second. The connection between us intensified, drawing us closer together. With a firm grasp, I began to remove her top. I leaned in closer, my lips instinctively found their way to her neck. With each aggressive touch, a wave of lust washed over me. The air was thick with eagerness as I planted passionate kisses, igniting a desire within us both.

Soft moan escaped her lips. 

I found myself strongly drawn back to her lips. I reached out, my hands found their way to her thighs, gripping them firmly. She responded right away, her legs wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer. In that moment, we were completely lost in each other, oblivious to the argument we had a while ago. With her in my arms, I carried her effortlessly towards the kitchen, our lips still locked. The intensity of the kiss remained unbroken, fueling the fire that burned between us. 

The soft glow of the kitchen lights illuminated the room, casting an inviting glow around us. As her hands find its way inside my shirt. I slowly took off my shirt.

I found myself overwhelmed with desire as I reached out and held her waist, drawing her closer to me. Impatiently, my fingers unbuckled her bra, allowing it to fall away. Simultaneously, my other hand entwined itself in her hair tugging it downwards.

I gently placed her on the island counter, her back resting against the cool surface. I positioned myself above her, as I leaned in closer, my lips gently brushed against her neck. The softness of her skin against my mouth was intoxicating, and I couldn't resist the urge to explore further. Slowly, my kisses trailed down, leaving a trail of warmth on her neck. As I leaned in closer, my lips gently pressed against her soft skin. The sensation of her warmth against my mouth sent a thrill through my body. With each delicate suck, I could feel her pleasure building, her breath quickening. Meanwhile, my other hand began to explore, tracing a path along her curves. As my fingers found her other breast, I began to massage it in a gentle, circular motion. The combination of my lips and hands working in harmony seemed to intensify her pleasure, and I could sense her surrendering to lust.

I find myself at a point where I can't seem to stop anymore. With each stroke, I would leave hickies on her chest down to her breast. Her body language only fueled my desire to explore every inch of her body. I continued to place hickies, one by one, on her chest I extended my hand, it went towards her pants. Slowly, I slipped my fingers inside the waistband of her pants, feeling the warmth of her skin against my fingertips. With a gentle touch, I began to massage her clit.

I glanced upwards and caught sight of her, her body bent in ecstasy. Her head and back arched, displaying the immense pleasure she was experiencing. In the midst of her pleasure, her hand instinctively reached for my hair, grasping onto it tightly.

I positioned my self face-to-face with her. Through a gentle touch, I brushed away a few strands of hair that had fallen across her face. Meanwhile, my other hand remained intimately tucked inside the waistband of her pants. 

I stopped for a while and asked her, 

"Will you allow me to proceed?" 

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