Chapter Twelve

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I stood there, my eyes wide with disbelief. The scene before me was beyond anything I could have imagined. Once upon a time, in a small town nestled amidst rolling hills, I found myself making an unexpected friendship. Little did I know that my first friend would come from the infamous Moriarty Family. It was a tale that would defy expectations and challenge preconceived notions.

If I could turn my back on him and defy his orders, I most certainly would. But I am unable to accomplish so because he is holding something that is in the possession of my parents, and he won't give it to me until I am willing to carry out his instructions.

He wasn't like this when I left... However, I feel like everything took a dark turn when he found himself in a position of power. Now, he became the one who issued commands to others, specifically instructing them to end the lives of people of innocent people for a living. He possessed a peculiar power that set him apart from others and that is being not afraid of death- the ability to make anyone obey his every command. 

"If you were my friend back then, why would you order me to take innocent lives?"

"This is the challenge that time presents. It is dynamic. Because the only thing that is really consistent in this world is change. You need to understand that this is the life I have been given and that I am meant to lead the Moriarty Family, despite the fact that change may bring either good or bad outcomes."

"But, when it comes to you, it's always bad outcomes."

Right away, he let go of me, his fingers slowly slipped away from my waist. I took a few deep breaths, and immediately felt a mixture of relief and curiosity. Mylo made his way towards the window while maintaining an aggressive expression on his face. "If that's how you believe, then there's no way I can convince you otherwise. If you believe that everything that involves me will lead to a a bad outcome, then the question is: Why are you alive right now?"

"You have made it clear that you would take the life of anybody who betrays you or who is unable to do the mission that you have assigned to them. I'm no different, but you had your opportunity to murder me in my sleep. But how come I'm still alive?"

"I changed my mind, (Y/N). Your case is special and I wouldn't want to kill my first friend after what she's been through just because she's part of the Spade family."

"How come my case is special, then..."

"Your mind is not only brilliant, but it possesses a level of brilliance that rivals even that of a criminal's. And that, having the blood of a Spade in one's veins. Rather than ending your life, I propose a far more interesting alternative: give up your duties as a detective and align yourself with Moriarty Family. "

"Why would I do that and trust you? Mylo, the only reason why I am obeying your orders was because you have something that belongs from my family-"

As I was in the middle of a conversation, I suddenly fell silent as Mylo reached into his pockets once more. Within the depths of my family's heirlooms, there existed a precious treasure - my mother's locket necklace. This exquisite piece of jewelry held within it a story of love, nostalgia, and cherished memories. Passed down through generations, it had become a symbol of our family's enduring bond.

I remained silent. 

"You have a day to think about it, (Y/N) or else you'll never see this precious necklace ever again."

As tears welled up in my eyes, a wave of emotion overcame me. The weight of the moment became too much to bear, and I found myself unable to hold back. It had been passed down through generations, a cherished family heirloom. My mom held onto this necklace dearly, as it held memories of her own mother and grandmother. It was a symbol of love, strength, and the bond that tied their family together. I, being her only daughter, had always admired the necklace and the stories that came with it. I can vividly remember it, when I found the necklace on her hand, I wasn't permitted to touch her dead body or remove the jewelry from her grip.

Mylo came over to me while I was sobbing on the ground and embraced me. Explain to me what it's like to be a hypocrite. It turned out that he was truly using our family heirloom as a weapon against me in order to get me to comply with his demands. 

"I understand that it may be difficult to comprehend. I am doing this solely for your benefit. You must abandon your life as a detective, for one day it will be the end of you, and I cannot bear witness to such a tragedy. Joining the Moriarty family will be an unmatched decision that you will never regret. It deeply saddens me to witness you belittle your own intelligence. Break free from the chains of your past and embrace a future filled with endless possibilities. I, Mylo Moriarty, stand before you, ready to be your present and ignite a new chapter in your life. I am fully committed to providing you with all the help you require. With me by your side, you'll never face being alone again, and no one will ever dare to harm you. Don't let your mind consume the precious essence of who you are. You possess an exceptional ability in critical thinking, but what you may not realize is that you have the power to skillfully manipulate others, effortlessly guiding them to dance in the palm of your hand."

"Where is this hypocrisy coming from? Are you kidding me, coming from you? A murderer who sees the world as nothing more than a game. Mylo, do you really think that you can outwit me? Take another look at it. Because my brilliance will eventually prove to be your downfall. You have no clue what you are getting yourself into by doing this to me."

"So this what I get from comforting and trying to protect you? Seems like I let my guard down. You have a day to think about it, (Y/N). Be a part of the Moriarty Family and leave behind your life as a detective, or you can be with your family as early as now, for it may be the only chance you have to lay your hands on your mother's precious necklace."

Will he really take my life if I disagree? This is wildly one sided. He cruelly neglected the fact that he would be the sole beneficiary of his proposal, exploiting the leverage he holds against me.

With a trembling hand, I reached up to wipe away the tears that streamed down my face. As my vision cleared, I found myself locking eyes with him. In the heat of the moment, a surge of anger coursed through me, compelling me to unleash my frustration upon him. The desire to kill him was overwhelming, but deep down, I knew that resorting to violence was not the answer.

As I look upon him, memories flood my mind, transporting me back to a time when he was just a child. It was during those days that he showed an extraordinary act of kindness that forever carved into my heart.

With a deep breath, I gathered the courage to ask him the burning question that had been eating my thoughts for a while. The room was filled with an air of mystery as I leaned in and asked, "Tell me, what must I do to become a part of the Moriarty?"

"Marry me, (Y/N)."


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