Chapter Seven

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In the weeks that followed, a heavy silence hung between us. Neither of us made any attempt to bring up the subject of the evening when we had indulged in a few too many drinks. It was as if an unspoken agreement had been reached to bury the memories deep within ourselves, hoping they would fade away with time. And so, life continued on its steady course, unaffected by the passing of time. We carried on with our daily routines, each day blending seamlessly into the next.

Ever since the last case was solved and there were no cases to be solved, Ron found himself spending less and less time outside. The thrill of the chase, the adrenaline rush of piecing together clues and catching the culprit had become a distant memory. Without a case to occupy his mind, Ron's days seemed to blend together, lacking the excitement and purpose he had grown bored of. 

As the days passed, a beautiful connection began to blossom between us. With each passing moment, we delve into the depths of our souls, unraveling the layers that made us who we are. It was as if a magical bond was forming, one that transcended the superficial and ventured into the depths of true understanding.

I noticed him sitting on the floor, his eyes fixed on the television screen. The flickering images danced across his face, captivating his attention. Meanwhile, I found myself drawn to the bookshelf nearby. Curiosity piqued, I reached out and grabbed one of his books, running my fingers along the worn spine. 

"Do you want to go out today?" As Ron brought about his question, I couldn't help but raise my brow in surprise.

"Uhm, are you trying to get me killed again?" 

"Nothing extraordinary happened in the last several weeks. It's not like going out and getting some fresh air and eggs from the store would harm, does it? And I know you're sick of wearing my clothes, so I believe you should go shopping."

Ron looked at me, a playful sparkle in his eyes. "Well, my dear (Y/N)," he began, "imagine this: a world filled with endless possibilities, where the lack of money is no obstacle to your shopping desires."

After placing the book back where it belonged, I moved to a position near the doorway. Watching for Ron to join him in standing up next.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked, my hands crossed below my chest with a smile on my face.

I couldn't help but notice Ron's face suddenly light up, his eyes sparkling with excitement.  Without hesitation, he reached for a pair of slippers, offering them to me with a warm smile. These slippers were so massive that they practically consumed my feet, making them look like tiny specks in comparison.

As we went down, I saw a familiar face waiting for us at the bottom.

"Toto! It's been a while, will you be joining us to the grocery store?" 

"Looks like it. But I don't know why Ron invited me."

The three of us went shopping together. I broke off contact with them and went about gathering the stuff I needed. They also acted in the same manner. After making many trips around the shop, I was eventually able to get what I need there. I waited for them to arrive as I stood at the register. Toto assisted me in stacking my goods on the counter. I asked of him, "Would it be possible for you to pay for me first?" I do not have any cash with me at the moment." As said by Toto, "I got it this because you were a big help in our last case." 

I hugged him as way showing my gratitude. 

The time has come for him to put up his groceries. When he had finished and was going to pay, Ron intervened and prevented him from doing so. To both of us, it was unclear why he had acted in such a manner. And with that, he also made his order for his groceries and informed the personnel at the cash register that it's one payment for everything. Toto was so close to passing out that it seemed like his body was auditioning for a dramatic fainting scene in a soap opera. 

So apparently, he thought it would be a great idea to bring Toto so there's a will be willing to sacrifice their hard-earned cash for the privilege of feeding us. I thought Ron was being super generous when he asked me to splurge on whatever I wanted, but turns out he just wanted to empty Toto's wallet!

We lugged our groceries like a pack of weightlifting champions and victoriously marched into Ron's apartment, ready to conquer the snack-filled wonderland within. On the way home, I can practically hear Toto's wallet crying out in agony after splurging like there's no tomorrow.

The moment we stepped foot into Ron's apartment, I transformed into a messy grocery ninja, dropping my bags of food. And just to add a little extra personality, I effortlessly dropped to the floor.

Well, that stroll felt like a marathon for my poor little legs! I could practically hear their jaws hitting the floor when I pulled off my unexpected move. Ron swooped in like a superhero, whisking me away and laying me down on his lap like a human pillow. His eyes popped out of their sockets like an animated character when he spotted me, fully conscious.

"What on earth were you thinking? You're trying to give me a heart attack! I thought you were about to break the record for the most dramatic entrance ever - dying twice!"

I dramatically rose to my feet and pointed towards Toto, "I believe Toto is the equivalent of James Bond, ready to tackle any mission with style and sophistication. I believe he pulled off the ultimate balancing act and died while striking a pose. Look, he was as still as a statue. He looks more like a zombie than I do on Monday mornings. Well, I suppose I shouldn't criticize him for going broke on our behalf."

After all that had happened, we went to put up our groceries. While Toto was taking a nap and I was organizing the groceries, Ron went to watch some television.

From the news: Breaking news from the tranquil neighborhood of Oakwood Manor, where an intriguing and unsettling case has emerged. In a tragic turn of events, the Anderson family has been brutally murdered, leaving the community in a state of shock and disbelief. In the most recent occurrence of this horrific crime, the prime suspects have emerged as none other than the formidable Stratford family. Renowned for their unparalleled power, influence, and wealth in the region, the Stratfords have now found themselves at the center of this investigation. 

The news, like a powerful blow of wind, swept through the air and captured our attention. It was as if time stood still, and we collectively paused, eager to absorb the unfolding story. To Toto's surprise, he was abruptly awakened by the loud sound of his phone ringing. After the intense phone call, he turned his gaze towards Ron.

The voice on the other end informed him about a tragic incident that had recently unfolded, an incident that had captured the attention of the entire town.

 Ron without looking at us, spoke "So they started moving, huh? Isn't it amazing? Someone must have seen (Y/N) while we're out. That's why they took action. It was peaceful when (Y/N) stayed here for weeks. But it seems that they are once again hinting that she is running out of time. I might be mistaken. But I can't avoid the idea that the clues they're dropping for (Y/N) are tied to her whole family's death."  

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