Chapter Eight

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Ron's theory reached Toto's ears, a sense of intrigue and anticipation filled the air. Toto's phone suddenly rang, interrupting the silence with its loud tone; a commanding voice echoed through the room, instructing him to make his way to the scene of the crime.

As the rain poured outside, I found myself standing in Ron's apartment, contemplating the possibility of his theory. If Ron's theory turned out to be true, it meant that I had no choice but to stay here.

As I stand there, staring at their leaving figures, a nagging thought begins to take hold of me. Could it be that Ron, against all odds, is actually right? Intrigued by his theory, I felt compelled to witness and confirm it firsthand.

In the stillness of the moment, I stood there, my heart pounding with anticipation. The sound of their fading footsteps echoed in the distance, signaling their departure.

I carefully observed their retreating figures, waiting for the perfect moment to make my move. Time seemed to stretch on, each passing second heightening the tension in the air. And then, finally, as they grew further and further away, I knew the time had come. With a surge of determination, I took my first step ahead. I swiftly gathered variety of clothes I had recently purchased from the grocery store.

It was time to put my plan into action.

As I went out, determined to track their every move, my path led me to a dimly lit alleyway. It was there, amidst the shadows, that I encountered a mysterious figure.

It was as if an invisible aura surrounded him, hinting at a hidden past and a depth of character —Intrigued by the air of mystery surrounding him, I mustered up the courage to step into the dimly lit alley. The path ahead was shrouded in darkness, and a sense of danger lingered in the air. Undeterred by the potential risks, I pressed on, determined to reach the mysterious figure who awaited me.

In a tense and chilling moment, our eyes locked as the man slowly raised his hand, gripping a deadly weapon. With a cold and calculated demeanor, he pressed the barrel of the gun against my forehead.

"Winter Moriarty." I was able to get that out.

Winter grabbed a paper from his pocket. "I have a message from Mylo."

"What on earth are you up to that's causing such a delay, my dear? Answer me now, or there will be consequences. I assure you, your presence is duly noted as you are on your way to approach the scene of the crime. Consider this a warning: the longer you dare to delay accomplishing your objective, the more innocent souls will meet their unexpected death due to the direct consequences of your actions. Kill another individual at the scene of the crime and ensure absolute absence of any trace. Do you have any idea what consequences await those who dare to betray me? You better complete this task swiftly and without hesitation, or you'll regret it. And mark my words, for I shall not hesitate to kill out the life of yet another innocent soul. Failure to comply will result in disastrous consequences. Fail this mission and I shall personally pursue Totomaru Isshiki. Beware, for Winter shall offer assistance to ensure the successful completion of your assignment.

- M.M"

I indicated that I understood what Mylo was asking by giving Winter a nod. According to what is said in the letter, Winter will be helping me, and I believe that this assistance will include going to the scene of the murder. When I had finally finished reading the letter, there was already a car prepared for us. As I made my way to the car, I kept Winter's direction in mind. Winter grabbed a number of baggages and a weapons from the trunk, both of which will be used by me as part of my disguise.

Minutes passed, and I swear I could feel my soul packing its bags, ready to take a vacation from my body. Winter's driving skills put Vin Diesel to shame. Perhaps my ultimate goal is to endure his driving skills rather than assassinating someone in the midst of the scene of the crime?

I closed my eyes and tried to shake it off. But just as I was about to enter the land of dreams, Winter decided to slam on the brakes like a maniac, sending my head on a collision course with the dashboard. Thanks for the wake-up call, Mother Nature! I gave him a look that said, "Did you just see that squirrel do a backflip?"

"I've been doing this so often, it's practically my full-time job now. I'm shocked you haven't developed a sixth sense for my driving skills yet."

I rolled my eyes at Winter.

"In any case, I'll be waiting for you here while you carry out the assignment. Be sure to get everything done as quickly as you can, and by the time they get there, you should already know to finish it right away."

"You don't have to tell me twice, but you can tell me three times if you want to be extra sure that I won't listen! When I return, prepare to witness my legendary driving skills. I'll be the one behind the wheel. Don't worry, I'll make sure you have an inhumanly good time meeting Satan along the way."

After all that, I left from the car with a sinister notion consuming my thoughts.

I walked into a building that was located in a remote area and felt the weight of my sniper rifle in my hands. My pulse was pounding with adrenaline as I stared through the scope. I gave each possibility consideration before settling on my objective. I was able to obtain a good look at the murder scene, where I saw Ron and Toto standing there. After a few minutes of deliberation, I decided on a target. I decided to take care of the situation with the cop who was talking to Toto. After counting to three, two, and one, I shot and killed the officer.

I looked through the scope one more time, making sure that I was able to kill the cop and saw Ron staring in my direction. I quickly got to my feet and headed towards Winter. Without looking at me, he said with his eyes, "Done already?"

I tossed the snipper gun at Winter like a boss and demanded that he move to the passenger's seat. His face resembled a grumpy cat, but he finally gave up and transferred. I dramatically ripped off my gloves and face mask, ready to take on the steering wheel.

Before I started the engine, a wicked smile came on my face as I was staring at Winter. I can guarantee that he will never forget about this.

"Winter, prepare to face my wrath. I hope you've got the hotline to the heavenly saints on speed dial, because this wild ride is gonna make you pray like never before."

𝘉𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘊𝘢𝘴𝘦 | 𝚁𝚘𝚗 𝙺𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝟷𝟾+Where stories live. Discover now