chapter 41 : the twins

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(guys I'll skip on explaining about sai & dwayne condition cause I already give too much information about their case in the previous chapter I know you get what I mean :)) hehe..enjoy! reading..)


the next day dwayne visit sai room. he knocked on the door but no one is answering, he check what sai is doing.

he saw sai is soundly sleeping

he pushed the stick of the electric wheelchair beside sai bed. he watches sai sleeping face

"babe you're so unfair, you're so innocent when you're awake & sleeping. you really look like an angel babe.

please stop being so beautiful, I might get in trouble again. can you only show me this side of yours if not I'll get jealous" dwayne whisper while holding sai hand

sai felt someone is holding her hand.

it's warm & soft, I feel safe, its the same hand who hold her before, she know she already hold this hand before but she can't remember, she tried to remember but luck is unfair

sai isn't having any headaches when she tries to remember something cause the reason why she lost her memory is already okay so trying to get her forgotten memory will not make her faint or a life threatening.

the cause of her trauma is already solve. sai life is not in danger anymore, she can live without any worries anymore

sai slowly open her eyes, she looked at the owner of the hand who's entwined with her.

"dwayne" she softly called. maybe his sleeping. she thought to herself. sai watch dwayne sleeping face

"babe stop being so attractive, even in your sleep you're so handsome" sai chuckle & kissed dwayne cheeks

dwayne slowly open his eyes & saw sai face infront of him, he thought he is sleeping that's why he move his face towards sai & kissed her in the lips.

sai froze on the spot but slowly close her eyes

still half asleep, dwayne saw how sai close her eyes. he felt sai lips is real he realize this is not his fantasy dream. he really is kissing sai.

dwayne & sai slowly move away to each other.

sai suddenly hugs dwayne & start crying. dwayne softly caressing sai back. he didn't say anything, he silently listen to sai cry

now that she finally calm down she still hasn't let go of dwayne "babe. how's your injury?" sai asked

"I'm okay. I only sprained my ankle & broke some bone.. hehe" sai embrace tightens

"I was really worried. I immediately run but..." dwayne hugs her back

"sshh.. you don't have to say it. the most important thing is we're both okay & alive" sai nodded

"I heard I escape death again for the 3rd time. I could hear everyone calling my name but I can't respond, I wanted to say don't worry I'm okay"

"I wanted to smack alex face but kent told me he punched alex face yesterday. I'm so sorry because of me you're hurt" sai said

"you shouldn't be sorry. they're just jealous you choose me, its a proof that I have plenty of rivals, I'm not the only one who's in love with you babe." dwayne said

"I don't care about the rest. I choose you. my decision is final. it's good enough for me as long as you're by my side." sai said

there's a knock at the door

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