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As soon as Susie opened her eyes, several pop-up windows were thrown in front of her one after another.

【Your Corn Shadow Grass has been harvested!】 】

【You have obtained [Ripe Corn Shadow Grass] x1, [Corn Shadow Flower] x2, [Corn Shadow Fruit] x2】

【You have gained XP x2】

[Congratulations on completing 500 plantings!] 】

【You have received a reward: Farmland x1】

【New items unlocked in the shop!】 You can purchase additional farmland in the shop! 】

Susie: What?

What happened???

She hurriedly opened the system interface, only to see that the historical information was swiped all over the screen by the lettuce harvest records, and a set of hints for the completion of the exploration were sandwiched in between.

[Congratulations on completing this exploration!] 】

[Your employee [Arrow] has returned from Resource Point 1!] 】

【You have obtained Product: Scorpion Tail Fish x1】

【You have earned points x10】

【You have gained XP x10】

As soon as Susie climbed down from the sleeper, she saw lettuce neatly stacked behind the bar.

Arrowlo was crouching on the bar, staring intently at the seedlings in the small pot, and when she saw Susie, she screamed happily, ran up to her with her tail cocked, and fell to the table.

Susie touched its ribs and turned to see Raphael hanging a large, half-arm-long scarlet fish on a low cabinet by the door.

The fish was still alive, struggling to shake the barbed scorpion's tail, Raphael calmly pinched its tail segment, twisted it slightly, and the fish twitched and immediately stopped moving.

Susie looked down at the kitten twisted in her palm, and was not surprised at all, she scooped up Elo, rubbed it, and praised: "Elo is awesome!"

The bone cat rubbed Susie's thumb and said coquettishly, "Meow-"

She played with Elo for a while before putting down the kitten and checking on the rest.

Leaving aside the nearly 100 lettuces for the time being, the millet shadow grass in the small pot has pulled out a stalk more than a finger high, the blue-green leaves are glowing, and a panicle of gray-green buds hangs down slightly. It seems that the lack of sunlight has not affected it much.

"When you rested, I used the rest of the seeds on my own initiative." Raphael explained.

- A total of 78 lettuces.

Susie couldn't help but hiss: ... Wow, what kind of undead is this, it's an angel at all???

She looked at the piles of lettuce, felt a little bald, and secretly decided to be lazy for a while, mix a salad dressing and return it to the system.

As for the farmland for the reward, it is located at the back of the tavern, and it is a small flower bed of one meter square, which is neatly divided into four pieces, somewhat similar to the model ○ life.

It's just such a small flower bed, and there is a symbol with a rice ear pattern on the map: Your farm.

Susie: "..."

No, forget it, compared to the original small flower pot, it has been a big improvement!

She opened the shop and took a look, and found that such a small field was sold for as much as 3000,<> points.

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