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The mentor was far away, and her apprentices and assistants stayed behind to provide Susie with paid services, meaning both paid and served.

These young people are so happy with the 9-to-5 volunteer work that they even feel like they're on vacation. At the end of the day, they would swagger through Tumbledown Alley with dinner in groups.

The relationship between the Black Magic faction and the Undead faction immediately became visibly tense again.

Susie:...... It's shallow to rely on friendships that are maintained by sharing adversity.

Visuals aside, Necromancer is really easy to use.

Skeletons and zombies, under the command of the summoner, leveled the unpaved paved road, diligently leading a ditch from the town's spring, through the square, through the Lion Mayor's Boulevard, and to the farm in the outer ring.

Clear water flows from the front of the streetside buildings, and Susie stocked some fish fry in the canal. These fish swim in the light, and their scales are faintly rainbow-like in the light of street lamps.

The landmark sculpture holding the crystal bottle was placed next to the town's spring, covered with a milky white halo. However, it kept saying "Effect not turned on" on the prompt, and Susie poked it a few times without getting any more information.

...... Forget it, anyway, it's only 2888 points, and it's pretty good to be a decoration, who knows if the extra features will be fraudulent.

Susie felt that she had been trained by this dog system to be unfazed and invincible.

Due to the increase in free labor, food production has skyrocketed.

Even though the warehouse has been expanded, it is still filled with a bumper harvest of wheat and fruits and vegetables, and Silencer has digested some of it, and the rest has no choice but to resell it back into the system at a low price, Susie finally realizes the distress of the lack of life in the territory.

It wasn't until about a month later that Kevin, who returned, solved the problem.

The young knight brought back a large order for grain.


Objectively commented, the Marquis of Rodney is an okay nobleman, he has no ancestors' merits, no wise decision-making, but he has never made any big mistakes, mediocre, and inactive.

It's a pity that the eldest son is a fool.

Bloom Rodney is a talentless, high-minded piece of waste. He dislikes his brother who is far better than himself, but his murder methods are so clumsy that only a knight with a dead brain like Kevin would fall for them.

It was only in a chance conversation and inquiry with the chief knight of the capital that the marquis remembered that he had another son, and by the way, he discovered that the eldest son had done something stupid.

Panicking at his father's questioning, horrified by the revelation of his actions, and jealous of the news that Kevin is still alive, Bloom is instigated by others to do something that could send him and his father to history textbooks.

- He assassinated an envoy from the royal capital at the banquet, and succeeded.

Of course, someone instigated that this waste with a brain capacity of less than five planned such an assassination. After learning that his father had lost an eye and an arm, Bloom even cried in fright.

He wept and wept so vaguely that he couldn't even tell who it was who had given him the idea, and then he died violently on the third day after the incident.

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