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After some more time, the tree farm was harvested.

The plants above the dwarf's head had been replaced by birch branches from caps, and the leaves swayed as he ran.

Their attraction to the critters is so great that every time they go to the spring to get water, they attract eager peeps. Susie found that the children had fully recognized the shepherds, and even secretly named them one by one.

Since the animals themselves have random names, the names given to the dwarves are simple combinations, and they also put a note on the first floor of their house to record the height of the dwarfs.

The youngest dwarf was loved by the children, and Susie once even saw a bunny chasing him and trying to water a sapling on his head.

Shepherds are timid and cowardly, and live in symbiosis with plants all their lives.

These dwarfs will take care of the plants they plant as if they were their own treasures, but if they are kept in captivity to tend to gardens and medicine gardens, it will take a lot of eyes, because the shepherds prefer tall plants and will plant their gardens into a forest if they are not careful.

There has been controversy as to whether the shepherds prefer plants or animals. They will plant their favorite plants on top of their heads, bury themselves in the soil at the end of their lives, and the plants will grow from their remains, and after three years they will bear fruit, and new shepherds will be born from the fruit.

The undead interrupted the cycle, but it did not change the nature of the herders to love planting.

Susie took out her points and bought a lumberjack's hut, and she took an axe out of it and walked into the woods.

The dwarfs, who were busy around the birch trees, froze, and the next moment they scattered and fled, finding what they thought were hidden corners and digging a pit to bury themselves in.

Susie:...... Suddenly I feel like some kind of villain.

Susie: No, I'm going to cut down trees, these guys bury themselves to the branches on their heads, so they don't fear being hurt by mistake?

She imagined for a moment the scene where Elo was shaving mushrooms, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Susie lifted her axe, and the blade of the axe struck the trunk a few times.

She learned the skill of cutting trees from the famine, which was about none, but the process went surprisingly well. The birch trunk is not thick, and after a few chops, the whole tree falls down. Susie looked at the birch on the ground, and then at her own hands, a little self-doubting.

After a moment she tossed the axe aside, bent down and reached out to try to drag the trunk. It took a little effort, however, it did drag.

Susie: Hmm... It felt like something wasn't quite right.

Susie: I used to change the water dispenser with mineral water at most?

She silently dragged the trunk into the lumberjack's hut and sawed it into several sections, and the system popped up in time to harvest five pieces of wood.

Susie's heart was unwavering, and she turned to go out to retrieve her axe, only to find that the shepherd had come out again, and they took turns touching the stump, and then began to dig the earth.

Little by little, they dug up the stumps, carried them aside, and formed a circle around the pit, and one of the dwarfs reluctantly plucked the sapling from his head, put it in the pit, and replanted it.


Grass, actually a little guilty?

But it didn't take long for Susie to eat her conscience.

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