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☆ 67. Chapter 67font record

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Chapter 67

Sui Yi didn’t know until late in the afternoon that Sui Qingqing had come to see her in the morning. She also heard that Zhou Linlin burned Sui Qingqing with a cigarette. For Sui Yi, as long as Xiao Linzi is happy, it doesn’t matter. She wouldn't care about him even if he threw them into the septic tank. She didn't owe Sui Qingqing anything long ago, not from the moment she tore up her admission notice.

But now if Sui Yi remembers correctly, Sui Qingqing's husband Zhou Xing works in a seed organization in ASEAN. Since Sui Qingqing has entered Tonghui Village, it is estimated that her husband has received first-hand information from here. Things that were previously ambiguous online will soon be confirmed.

At that time, whether it is Bei League, Tonghui Village or she will become a conspicuous target, and she does not want to be a target in this life, she only wants to be a hunter.

Sure enough, less than 12 hours after Sui Qingqing left, all major alliances took corresponding actions. The first was the Chinese League, which had seed control, and it refused to supply super seeds and growth agents to the Northern League.

As a die-hard fan of the Central League, the Western League followed suit and publicly announced that the wages of Northern League workers working in the Western League would be halved this year, and will also decrease year by year in the future. The Eastern League, as the real person in this incident, is not as radical as the Big Brother and the Second Brother. They encourage the Northern League to buy super seeds from here. There are two ways to buy, one is to buy at double price, and the other is to take the Northern League. In exchange for those high-quality crops from the alliance.

The last one to make a move was the Southern Alliance. As the Southern Alliance that was farthest from the Northern Alliance, in the face of the looks from the three brothers above, although it did not gain much benefit, it also knew that this was the moment to express its stance, so it also announced that it would work in the Southern Alliance. One-third of the wages of Northern League members were reduced.

As soon as the actions of the four major alliances came out, they thought they would be strongly condemned by the Northern League. However, miraculously, the Northern League did not respond at all. The four major alliances who were waiting to see the Northern League jump into confusion fell into confusion. A meeting was held to discuss and study the attitude of Northern Alliance.

At this time, they didn't know what kind of drama was being played in the major group chats of the Bei League people working outside.

He Zifan has been in the Western Alliance for three years. In the past three years, he has done all kinds of dirty work, including cleaning septic tanks, miners, construction workers, waiters in restaurants on the ground floor, cleaning in lower areas, etc. He has done it all, especially this month. He worked three jobs at the same time. What was more unfortunate was that while working as a construction worker, his arm was broken by a building material. Normally, the construction site would provide compensation in this case, but because he was from Beimeng, the compensation has not been paid. Not to mention, several Ximeng people at the construction site even worked together to smash his little finger and warned him to leave the engineering base quickly, otherwise they would smash his whole hand next time.

He Zifan was sent to the hospital by his friends who came to work with BeiMeng. Because he did not have a BeiMeng ID card, they waited a whole night before performing the operation. After the operation, he was sent home. That night he developed symptoms due to wound inflammation. I had a high fever and when I got up to drink water in the middle of the night, I saw a dismissal message from the construction site.

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