2) It's Not Running Away If You Lie

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When the camp offered opportunities for volunteers wanting to leave the camp, Nico's hand was immediately in the air. They needed people in the outside world to be readily available to help bring in new half-bloods since the satyrs had taken a bigger part in trying to help restore the wilderness. The more novice satyrs would find the half-bloods and then the 'Demi-Guards' would meet up with them and escort them back to camp.

At first, Will was furious. He chewed Nico out about risking his life and how he'd already done more than enough, but the blond seemed to understand after he told him why he did it. He had assumed that it was just Nico running away again, too scared of rejection to risk facing it at camp; but Nico told him he just wanted to understand what it was to be normal. Of course Nico knew that he couldn't really be normal, but the explanation had seemed to work on the son of Apollo. The truth was that Nico couldn't be at camp anymore but he had promised his friends that he wouldn't run anymore; this just seemed like an easy out.

Because the fact that he's a child of the big three, they couldn't just put him anywhere. Most of the volunteers were placed or at least told where they were going within a week. However, it wasn't until two weeks after he'd volunteered that Chiron approached him at the pavilion.

Will smiled up at the centaur as they ate together at the Hades table (he wanted Nico to go to the Apollo table and Nico said 'I'd rather not go at all,' so they compromised). "Hey Chiron, what's up? The Stolls back in the infirmary?"

Chiron laughed, however it was obvious he had other things on his mind. "Not quite yet, though I saw the Ares cabin looking suspicious sparkley so I wouldn't count them out yet. This matter is for Nico, if you don't mind me stealing him away from you."

Wills face flushed a little. "You're not stealing him or anything, he's good to go." He abruptly stood up mumbling a goodbye as he sped walked to Lou Ellen, who was walking into the pavilion, and dragged her away with him.

"Huh, what was that about?" Nico muttered to himself before shrugging it off and following Chiron as he began walking towards the strawberry fields. It was silent for a while as they walked, taking in the calmness of camp that had been a rarity in the years prior. "I take it this is about the Demi-Guard position I volunteered for? Look, if you can't use me that's fine, just tell me-"

Chiron cut him off with a quiet laugh. "That's not the case, quite opposite in fact. We have a place in mind for you, it's just that it isn't a great location as a whole. Theoretically it's an ideal location for a child of the big three because it has a guard up that stops monsters from entering the city. The only monsters there are ones that spawn within city limits so it would be less dangerous to put one of you there."

"Then what's the problem? If you knew this place existed and you needed help there, then why wait to put me there?"

Chiron stopped walking to face Nico completely. "This city is dangerous. Gotham is full of villains and vigilantes and because of this, the mist is weaker. It can still be manipulated in dire situations, but it will not cover up our world very well on its own. This problem means it's dangerous to put people there but also increases the need for a guard. Half-Bloods in the city are at a higher risk than in other places because the monsters have an easier time spotting them. We need someone there who can act fast and get them out of there which made you an ideal candidate."

"But..." Nico said, knowing there was something to come.

"But you are also bad candidate in many ways. Even with ignoring the fact you are a child of the big three and therefore at more risk, it is still a bad idea. You're 14 years old so it would be hard to explain why you are alone and the mist can't help like it normally does. You have some ability to control the mist, but have no training in it. Plus you are from the 1930s so you're behind the curve in current events; throwing you into not just a regular city but one full of villains and heroes seems almost cruel," Chiron said with a huff. He ran a hand over his head and looked to the sky for a moment. "I wanted the choice to be yours on whether you wanted the assignment or not."

Nico thought for a moment as he looked around the camp. He watched as new campers ran around and the seasoned demigods tried to corral them into their activities. He saw the Stoll brothers running from some angry Ares kids and how the Hermes councelor was taking bets on who would tire first. Nico knew he would be fine if he stayed. He had trouble in the past with being accepted but after the Second Giant War, the campers stopped hating him. Sure, some of them still found him a bit creepy or off putting but even then, everyone was nice enough. He had begun teaching swordsmanship to the new campers who needed extra help and even got Cabin 13 its first win in capture the flag. He was fine, but it just didn't feel right. His place in camp felt loaded, like they were waiting for a reason to go back to ignoring him (he knew it was probably in his head, but it felt true).

"I'll go," He said with confidence. "I'll have Hazel teach me to control the mist and see if Percy and Annabeth can give me a crash course in these Vigilantes and Villains you talked about, along with any other stuff I should know. Will has been showing me pop culture stuff since my stay in the infirmary, and Leo told me that he is close to perfecting his 'McShizzle Monster-Proof Phones' so if something goes wrong I can call without having to IM. I can do this."

"Are you sure? What about your age? Or the fact that you don't technically exist?"

"I can't really fix my age and lying about it would be hard considering I look like a teenage, but if this place is as shitty as you say, then I don't think people will ask too many questions. Plus I highly doubt that I'd be the only orphan in the city." Nico chuckled at his own joke. A few years ago he'd probably cry over the fact that he was technically an orphan according to mortals, but now he found it almost comical. "As for my existence, my father owes me a favor after I was his stand in Thanatos while the god was trapped in Alaska. I can ask him to make something for me and if he won't, then I'll get Auntie Hestia to make him."

Chiron laughed at the determined way that Nico was talking, it reminding him of the boy he used to be when he first arrived at camp with his sister. "Well then, it seems like you'll be busy for the next few days. Today is May 19th, so let's say you'll be leaving on the 26th? That way you have a week to prepare and get everything organized."

Nico nodded and after a quick goodbye ran to the infirmary to tell Will. He didn't quite understand why, but Will has somehow managed to work his way into being his closest friend at camp. Rayna was still his closest companion (she had said that if she was ever replaced, she would feed him to her dogs), but with Will it was different. He was the only person at camp that made him want to stay and Nico couldn't understand why. 



Woop woop! First chapter! I don't really have anything to add, I just thought I should have one of these... Don't forget to Vote I guess

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