25) Irrational Conclusions for the Win

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Tim, Jason, and Bruce had spent hours going over everything when Damian walked in with a book under his arm.

"I have discovered something you all should see." The boy set the book on Bruce's desk. "I could not sleep so I was going through the library books we had in Italian and I found this, 'Miti Antichi e Religione Greca'."

Jason picked up the book with a confused look before translating. "Ancient Myths and Greek Religion? I didn't know we had this."

"Nor did I, but that's not why I brought it. Open to the page I marked."

Jason did as he was told, reading the marked paragraph. "What the fuck? You're not seriously considering this, right?"

"What does it say?" Bruce was probably a bit annoyed at his lack of fluency forcing him to rely on Jason and Damian.

"It's an overview of the deities that the ancient Greeks worshiped. It says, 'though all the gods of mount Olympus were revered, none more than the three brothers. The rulers of the Sky, Waters, and Underworld were said to have some of the most powerful demigod children, though they would often turn on each other in attempts to gain power and prove their worth to their fathers.'"

"Wait. Sky, Waters, and Underworld, that would be Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades" Tim said, his eyes wide. "Uncle Z, Uncle P, and Haden."

Jason looked at the others as they all stared off in focus. "You're not serious, right? It has to be a coincidence, his dad is dead, we saw the report."

Tim sifted through the papers in the file he had made before pulling out a picture. "I found this taped to Nico's fridge the day he came back. It's from his father."

Jason stared at it. "Still, we're talking about the possibility that Nico is a demigod. A child of a Greek God, more specifically Hades. This isn't a rational conclusion."

"Just because it's not rational, doesn't mean it's not true," Bruce said before taking a long sip of his coffee. "This is the only thing that makes sense so far. The strange family, dead language, mysterious lack of information about his father, wars that we know nothing about, all that could be explained by this. Diana is a daughter of Zeus, why couldn't Nico be the son of Hades?"

Tim spent the next hour having Jason and Damian read parts of the book before he finally spoke with confidence. "I think we should make an official guess. This is the only solution we've found that answers this many questions."

Jason scoffed. "It answers the questions, but also adds a lot more into the mix."

"And hopefully Nico will be able to answer the questions," Bruce said with a grin. "I feel good about this answer, so I say we go down to the cave and ask Nico."

"Why is Nico in the cave?"

"Dick took him down there, no idea why," Bruce said as he lead the way. All the boys followed, though one more begrudgingly than the rest. When they reached the cave, they heard sounds of metal clashing and the quiet hum of the holo-platform. They expected to see Dick on it, but they all froze once it came into view.

"Holy shit," Jason muttered, saying what all of them were thinking.

Dick's attention snapped to them in surprise. "I didn't hear you come in." Dick's focus went back to Nico as the boy fought, apparently still not noticing them. "We were training together since neither of us could sleep. I brought him down here to show him this, thinking I'd let him mess around on it for a bit and then we'd go to bed; but I can't stop him. Every time I am going to, he does some new move and I'm back to just watching"

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