39) Only Good Brothers Catch You When You Pass Out

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A/N: This one is a little shorter than usual... Deal with it.

Nico was bored. So unbelievably bored. Sitting in an alien space ship would probably have most people extremely entertained, but to an ADHD demigod from the past, it just felt like most vehicles. Cars had only like just become normal when he was a kid, so the idea of automatic cars felt alien enough to him. The other two in the ship were busy talking through their brain, another super weird idea, so he was left on his own.

Megan had tried to make conversation at first, but he was not feeling up for that, so he lied and said he had to focus on searching for Slade, which was only partly true. It was one of those things he could mostly do subconsciously, but it was probably better to focus on it since he could get better range on it when he did.

He had been trying to focus on the presence of the pit's energy, which he was finding a little difficult due to the ghosts trying to gain his attention, when he heard Tim mutter something under his breath.

"Is something happening Red Robin?"

"Shit," the boy said out loud before turning to look at him. "We have a problem. Ghost King, reach out to the cave with your sPhone. Tell them we might be dealing with the Shadows and Vandal."

Nico, despite not knowing what that meant, dutifully nodded and did as he said. He typed out the message before standing. "I need to check something, come with me."

The two stood from their seat and followed him out of the craft. Megan seemed a bit more hesitant, but apparently trusted Tim enough to follow anyways.

Nico stood on the grass and reached into the shadow of the closest tree and pulled out his sword. He quickly plunged it into the ground and knelt with one hand on the hilt and the other pressed to the soil. "Hear me, wayward souls of the deceased. Show me what you have seen."

He heard Megan gasp as a ghost appeared before him and pressed her hands to his head. He saw flashes of the man he had been told was Vandal and the cloaked figure. He could tell they were talking, but heard nothing. Nico was about to release the sight when the masked man seemed to look straight at him and show his half bronze mask.

"Slade was here, but he left. A helicopter full of people dressed in black picked him and Vandal up." Nico shakily stood, placed a hand on the chest of the ghost and said, "I release you to peace. Pass the gates and rest."

The ghost faded and Nico turned to face them. "Miss Martian, tell the others to return. They won't find anything. Red Robin, do me a favor?"

Tim raised an eyebrow. "What do you need?"

Nico's legs threatened to buckle as he said, "I'm about to pass out. Catch me?" and then the world went dark.


-Dick POV-

After hearing Megan's message, they all headed back. Artemis had complained the whole way about how 'if the kid could find out who was there from the start, why didn't he?'. It wasn't until they got back to the ship that they found out the answer.

Tim was tending to Nico on the ground in front of the BioShip. Thankfully they had read the pamphlets that Will gave them so it wasn't super surprising, but the oldest was still concerned.

"How's he doing?"

Tim glanced up at him. "Still solid if that's what you mean. He should be fine soon, I already gave him the meds. Just no one touch his sword until he's awake."

Wally, who had been actively reaching for it, froze where he was. "Why? It's just shoved into the ground, he'll probably want it back. Also, since when did he have a sword?"

Dick guided him away from it, making sure there was a good amount of space between the sword and anyone else. "Notice how the grass around it is dead? That's why not. And he just makes it appear some times."

Connor opened his mouth to speak when the kid shot up from his place on the ground. He looked around for a second, rubbing his head, before his eyes landed on Dick and he seemed to understand. He stood up slowly before reaching out and pulling the sword from the ground, placing it back in the shadows.

"Sorry about that," he said as he shook his head, trying to clear the fog. "Summoning a conscious soul takes a lot out of me."

"Conscious soul?" Wally shivered at the thought.

"A newer skill I've picked up. They can show me what they've seen. I saw the two leave, probably a few hours ago. They were talking, but I don't know what they were saying." Nico rolled his neck, trying to remove the stiffness. "If you found something here, it was probably on purpose. I think they're playing with you."

"How could you know that, you don't even know who we're dealing with," Artemis said with crossed arms.

Nico just shrugged, pulling out a piece of ambrosia and popping it in his mouth. "You're right, but I've dealt with a lot worse beings. I know when I'm being messed with."

Dick, knowing that neither were going to drop the line of questioning, quickly cut in. "Listen, for now this isn't important. We need to return to the mountain and give a mission report. If we're right and the three have aligned themselves, this could be another Light situation."

The team all nodded and began loading the Bio Ship except Nico.

"Ghost, make contact with Batman again and find out where he wants you," Dick said to his little brother, who just nodded and walked into the woods.

Dick boarded and sat in his seat. The ship was silent for a while before Wally broke it with a small chuckle.

"I like him."

A/N: Another chapter!!! I haven't edited in a week and the updates were getting too close to the actual date. I still have like 15 chapters preset to publish, but I like to keep it at around 20. Any ways... Yeah. I don't know what to say lmao.

Vote. Comment. Tell me about yourself (I might do a little meet the author thing as some point).

A/N 2: currently writing and I'm trying to see what I can get away with. Thoughts one someone loosing a limb?

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