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Nico learned fast the team bonding was not for him. He didn't have anything against the team, but... they were a lot. He hadn't really considered the possibility that he had been seeing a toned down version of them while in the mountain until he wanted the chaos unfold.

After dinner, Megan decided it was time to play bonding games so after many rounds of two truths and a lie (Nico was named winner after no one was able to guess any of his right), Truth or Dare (Garf puked after Nico shadow traveled with him), and Charades (Nico lost considering he knew almost none of the movies), it was finally time to go to bed. They all stood up from their spots on the floor of the Library when Dick pulled Tim aside.

"Bruce wants us on patrol tonight; Orphan hurt her shoulder so Spoiler has to take the night off to keep her from patrolling anyways."

Nico began walking towards them, assuming that he was going too, when Dick smiled and shook his head.

"Sorry dude, but you aren't getting out of team bonding time. We'll be fine without you for the night."

Nico stared at his brother for a long moment, sensing that something was off, but let it slide for the moment and nodded before following the rest of the team out of the room.

"You patrol with Batman and the others?" Garf asked, falling in step with the demigod. "Totally crash!"

Nico, still not used to people attempting to befriend him, just nodded. "It was part of the deal. I think Mr. Wayne wants me to become a Bat at some point."

Garf's jaw dropped. "Woah."

Nico often forgot how much of a big deal Batman and the others were among the league. "What?"

"Dude, they don't just do that to anyone. Most of the Bats were Robin or Batgirl, or both, before they became their own aliases. I mean even Batwomen had to work for it to be named an official member."

"Okay, but Signal is a bat and he was never a Robin or Batgirl."

Beast Boy rolled his eyes. "He might not have been an official Robin, but he led the Robins in the Robin War." Garf stared at Nico, expecting a reaction. "You know, the 'I am Robin' thing? Where civilians took on the mantel of Robin throughout Gotham?! Dude, how do you not know this?"

Nico shrugged. "I moved to Gotham like five months ago and before that I lived with other descendants. We don't keep up with news or vigilantes or anything like that."

Garf stopped walking causing Nico to also stop, unsure of what was happening.

"You've only been a vigilante for five months?! How are you— when did—" he cut himself off before taking a breath. "How did Batman find you so fast? And how are you so well trained?!"

Nico chuckled slightly at his dramatics. "On my first day in Gotham, Nightwing was fighting Penguin on the roof of my building. I was just getting back from grocery shopping when I heard the fight, so I went up to check it out. Nightwing got knocked out and Penguin was about to shoot him, so I knocked him out. I patched Dick up and sent him on his way. A while after that, probably after the Bat figured out that I was an 'advanced human/humanoid being', he approached me. Yada yada yada, we ended up making a deal and here I am."

Garf just stared at him. "So you just casually took out a major player in the Gotham Crime Syndicates, saved Nightwing's life, and then got recruited?"

"I mean... Yeah, basically."

Garf ran a hand down his face. "I know you said you didn't know a lot about vigilantes and heroes before coming to Gotham, but all of those things are huge deals. If I did even one of those, I would tattoo it on my chest. I would never let anyone forget it."

Demigod in Gothamजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें