21) Sure, Fight the Traumatized Child

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-Damian POV-

Damian didn't know what Dick was thinking. When he got the text that Nico wanted to know how they trained, he didn't think much of it. But when he arrived at the gym after changing clothes to see their newest member also in work out clothes, he froze.

"Grayson, you cannot expect us to train with him. He will die."

Tim shoved him, muttering that it was rude to say that, before Dick spoke up. "We can take it easy today and Nico assured me that if anything is too much that he'll let us know."

Bruce and Jason walked in together, a strange sight to see, but no one commented on it. Bruce raised an eyebrow and looked to Nico. "Are you sure you want to train with us? Since you already know that we're the Bats, we don't have to worry about hiding it. You should know that our training is pretty intense."

Nico nodded. "I used to train on my own and with my cousins a lot. Though I haven't been able to do much since coming to Gotham."

They all shared a look before shrugging and beginning their warmups. Other than Nico struggling with turning on the treadmill, he kept up without any problems. His stamina and endurance seemed to be on par with them which was a little baffling since he looked pretty malnourished and underweight. After they were warmed up, they began sparring, Nico opting to sit out.

It turned out to be a great bonding opportunity for the family, Nico joining in for their daily workouts. Each day Nico got more comfortable around them, slowly joining in more activities in and out of the gym. After a few days of him living in the manor, Bruce approached him while two of the boys were sparring and the others used punching bags.

"Have you ever sparred before," Bruce asked as he analyzed the skinny teen's form.

"A lot actually, but not a ton in hand to hand. It was usually in weapons training." Nico's focus was on the punching bag as he struck it in a well practiced manor.

Damian perked up at his words and spoke before Bruce could, taking a pause in his training. "What weapons are you trained in?" 

Nico seemed to think for a moment. "Well I've trained with a lot but mostly swords and knives."

"I will have to see that you have learned one day." Damian's face was focused, mentally filing away the information for later. Perhaps if he saw what style the teen used, he could figure out the secret.

Bruce set his hand on Damian's shoulder and let out a chuckle. "How about for now we just focus on hand to hand? If you feel up to it, you can spar with Dick once Jason and Tim are done."

Nico seemed to think about it for a second, pausing his punches while we watched the older boys in the ring. "What are the rules?"

"Well, try to avoid the face. Nothing that will cause serious damage. First one to tap out loses." Bruce watched the kid, seeing his eyes track their movements in the ring. "You don't have to, it is only if you feel comfortable."

"Sure, why not," Nico said as he watched Jason flip Tim at the last moment and get him in a headlock.

Bruce told Nico to go rewrap his hands while he called the oldest over. "Dick, you're gonna spar with Nico. Hold back at least at first until you get a read on what level he's at. He said he's sparred before so I wanna see how good he actually is."

Tim walked over to them as Bruce was speaking. "I saw him fight when he helped out after Damian was shot. He's pretty good with a knife but I think he was holding back."

Damian nodded, remembering how Tim had described the way he darted around the mobsters, attacking them where they least expected. "If he is well trained, it could lead us to the secret. There aren't a lot of people or families that train their children from a young age."

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