66) A Battle of the Bats

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A/N: Still a long chapter, but it's only 2k instead of 4k now.

Nico really needed to stop making a habit of waking up in infirmaries. He heard the beeping of a heart monitor as he began regaining consciousness and immediately groaned.

"Oh shit," a semi familiar male voice said to his right. "Someone grab Batman, I think he's waking up. Does anyone know what meds he's on, because I think he needs a stronger dose."

A girl on the other side of him spoke next. "Bats said not to give him any meds, only IV fluids. And I'm not going out there to interrupt the Batbattle."

Nico slowly peeled his eyes open, fighting the urge to hiss at the bright lights in the room. "Who's fighting?"

All the eyes in the room snapped to him as he slowly at up, rubbing at the wrappings around his neck. Artemis grabbed his hands off of his neck. "Stop touching it. They had to stitch up the worst of the wounds on the base of your neck, but you shouldn't irritate it. Especially with no pain meds."

Nico rolled his eyes and swatted her hand away. "I never take pain meds. They mess with my reflexes too much. Now can someone take out this IV and tell me what you mean by Batbattle?"

Wally sighed as he stepped forward and carefully removed the IV from the teen's arm. "Jason and Damian showed up livid. Dick tried to calm them down, but it only made it worse. Jason is scream fighting with Bruce while Damian is actively trying to attack Tim and Dick is attempting to keep them apart. Dick asked me and Arty to keep an eye on you and the others are getting briefed by Kal about what happened. These three are just in here to get away from the bats."

Megan and Cassie gave a shy wave from the corner while Kon said "Mr. Wayne already doesn't like me that much."

Nico stood from the table, despite the protest of Artemis, and looked at his clothes— or more lack there of. His suit was gone and replaced with just a pair of sweatpants. He knew they had to change his clothes to treat the cuts across his body, but he resented the fact that the others now had a clear view of his scars. He looked around for a jacket or something to put on but conceded that he just had to accept it after finding none.

Artemis crossed her arms. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going to go interrupt the happy family,"Nico said as he walked out the door, the group immediately following him to watch the show. He instantly understood why they ran away as he walked down the hall and into the main room, the sounds of yelling only getting louder. In the center was Jason and Bruce; both in costume and both red in the face arguing. He saw Tim yelling at Damian as he ran from the young vigilante who had a sword drawn. Dick was yelling at Damian to stop while also attempting to catch him. Apparently Steph and Cass had joined the party because the blonde was actively trying to stop Dick from ending the fight while Cass was standing between Bruce and Jason, making sure it did not turn physical.

A normal person would stop the fighting by yelling, or clapping, or even whistling. Nico was not normal. The teen clasped his hands together and began to focus on building tension between the two before spreading them to the side and letting a small shockwave ripped through the shadows in the room. All of the Bats stilled in an instant, a chill running through them, as their eyes snapped to the annoyed teenager at the entrance.

"For the love of the gods, you need to stop fighting every time I get hurt. I am old enough to make my own decisions and mature enough to accept the consequences of them. I chose to go on the mission. It is no one's fault that I got taken."

"Tt- Drake should have-" Damian tried to say but Nico cut him off.

"Tim and I were both ambushed by Slade. If anything, its my fault that we didn't see it coming. Because he's an escaped soul, his energy was different than I though it would be. I was focusing on the wrong energy so he seemed farther away than anticipated."

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