44) Vigilantes Are a Strange Breed

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A/N: Long chapter... just to lyk

-Dick POV-

Dick had just finished explaining the situation to the team when the Zeta Tubes came to life.

"B-36 Orphan. B-28 Spoiler. DG-1 Ghost King."

Dick suppressed a smile at Nico's ID number, knowing that Bruce was probably planning to add more demigods to the system in case there was ever an emergency. "There you are GK, I thought you were gonna give us the slip."

Spoiler patted the kid's back, having planned this before they left, and laughed. "Like he could. He did give us a run for our money though."

Nico just rolled his eyes, shrugging off the girl's arm. "There are too many of you. What happened to Batman working alone."

Wally let out a snort. "He's got a point."

Nightwing just sighed. "Anyways, you're just in time for training. You've been cleared, so you'll be joining in for group workouts."

He didn't wait for a response as he turned and led the others to the gym. When the team was smaller, they would workout on their own and just do combat training together. However, with so many new heroes on the team, he took over running morning workouts.

After everyone had stretched, they began to run around the track that surrounded the room. Dick never really planned how long they would run, he'd kind of just wait until everyone looked tired enough and call it good, but today was different.

Apparently the team members noticed that while they were getting tired, Nico seemed fine. Dick knew it was just half-blood genes, but they didn't. It turned out to be the best motivation they could have because they ended up running 7 miles before Dick finally cut them off. Everyone was panting, even the bats were covered in sweat, but Nico was barely winded.

"How the hell are you not dying right now? Weren't you just on medical rest?" Garf was laying on the floor, looking a little bit like he was about to have heat stroke.

Nico just shrugged. "I used to run like ten miles a day when I was still in training, and that was after combat practice and in full armor."

Artemis was sitting on the bench, chugging water. "Where the hell was this? The Army?"

Nico snorted slightly. "Something like that."

She was about to respond when the perimeter alarm went off. Immediately Dick glanced at Nico but the boy just shook his head; so it wasn't Slade. He pulled up the feed on his hologlove and immediately waved Nico over.

"Cazzo," Nico said with a sigh. "It's for me."

Artemis looked at the holo screen and her eyes widened. "Why are there demon wolves and why are you so calm about this?"

Nico reached into a shadow, pulling out his sword which Bart and Garf immediately 'cooool'ed at. "Let's just say they're some old army buddies."

Dick watched as he stepped into the shadows and immediately appeared on screen, stepping out of a Hellhound's shadow and cutting it in two. The fight went on for a few minutes before they were all gone in a pile of dust. Nico brushed himself off before returning to them and putting his sword back. Everyone was silently staring at him in shock.

"That was the coolest thing ever," Bart whispered with a smile. "I don't even know what those things were but you disintegrated them like it was nothing."

Thankfully Nico apparently had a lie ready to cover it up, because Dick's plan was just to change the subject.

"Those are genetically engineered beings. They kind of try to track me down constantly, it's a great time. They dissolve when they die."

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