71) Is That Foreshadowing I See?!?!

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A/N: another longish chapter

-Dick POV-

It was crazy to Dick how weird time was. He had first met Nico in late May, but the kid hadn't joined the family until late July. Time had seemed to speed by recently, considering it was already late October, but that still meant that Nico had only really been in the family for three months. It felt like he was always there. All of them would die for the kid without hesitation, it was crazy. Usually it took them a while to warm up to new people, and maybe it was the fact that they really had to work to gain Nico's trust at first, but they had all taken to him immediately. They loved him unconditionally.

"Get back here you little shits!" Jason yelled as he ran after Nico and Tim.

Dick let out a sigh as he watched them sprint through the back garden. "Guys, can we just have a normal evening?"

Tim and Nico shared a look before the demigod grabbed his brother and they disappeared into the shadows before reappearing at the top of a tree.

"We both know that's impossible," Nico yelled from the tree.

"Shadow traveling is cheating!" Jason yelled from the base of the tree, most likely debating if it was worth scaling the tree.

Damian let out a laugh from his spot next to the eldest brother. "Technically you never said he couldn't, Todd."

Jason rolled his eyes, apparently giving up on getting them as he joined the eldest and youngest at the patio table. "I never through I would have to specify that demigod powers were off limits."

Nico and Tim laughed from the top of the tree before they both appeared out of the shadows and took seats as well.

"That counts as a forfeit, so enjoy cleaning the east windows for the next week." Tim grabbed a cookie off the plate that Alfred had set out.

Jason just grumbled as he ate his own cookie.

"When will the team be arriving?" Damian asked, looking to Dick for his response considering the fact that Tim was staring at his phone.

Dick checked the time. "They are supposed to be here in about 15 minutes, but Kaldur said he would text me when they are ten minutes out."

"Why can't they just Zeta here?" Jason asked as he scrolled on his phone. "What's the point in even having your little bonding activity? The newest member has been there for over a year. I think their pretty bonded by now?"

"Bruce doesn't want them in the cave, plus the drive was part of the fun. When the team was smaller I used to Zeta there for the drive back here because it was part of the experience. And the point is for them to be normal kids together— speaking of." Dick reaching into his pocket and pulled out a silver chain necklace and handed it to Nico. "I had Zatana make that for you so you wouldn't have to wear a mask the whole time. Only people who know your identity will be able to recognize you. Everyone else will see you, but not be able to connect who you are."

Nico examined it for a moment before putting it on. "Can I wear this to school so people stop staring at me?"

Jason ruffled Nico's hair. "Hate to tell you, but that's not how the magic works. The kids at your school all know who you are already. All wearing it to school would do is confuse some substitute teachers and probably start a new fashion trend."

Dick's phone buzzed. "They are 10 minutes out."

Jason stood up. "And that's my cue to leave. I'd rather not spend the day with superteens."

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