53) Out and About

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-Bruce POV-

Bruce couldn't help but feel that he missed something, which was strange for the bat. He usually prided himself on being aware of everything that went on in the manor, but he was sure that something happened the day before. First Jason and Nico didn't show up to the game night and instead went to WE. That wasn't that weird considering his sons did that quite often, but other Jason and Will were acting strange after the two left. Then at dinner Nico kept staring at Will. It was obvious that the boy had a crush, but he worried that they had a fight or something because the two did not speak to each other during the meal.

And then there was breakfast. Bruce had gotten there first, having woken up early for a reason unknown to him. Usually Tim and Nico were the first ones down, but instead it was Damian, who had a concerningly smug smirk. Then Tim came down with Dick by his side, both of them looking equally as tired. The two boys ended up chugging coffee together, making Bruce even more confused because Dick very rarely drank more than a single cup in the mornings. Then everyone else slowly trickled in with Nico and Will being last. Nico looked like a tomato and Will looked like he had just seen a ghost, though considering he was with Nico, that was possible.

"Good morning everyone," Bruce said with a small smile as he finished refilling his coffee and automatically passed it to Nico. The boy gave a thankful nod, but before he could pour it, Will had taken it away from him.

"You have to drink a cup of water before you get coffee, death boy." Will set the coffee next to him before glancing at Tim and Dick. "Same goes for you two corpses."

Dick immediately agreed, but Nico and Tim both let out a groan of annoyance. "We're fine Solace," Nico said as he begrudgingly grabbed his glass of water."

"Just because you are less malnourished than before, doesn't mean you don't have to drink water," Will said with a roll of his eyes.

Percy snickered. "Just drink the water. You know you aren't winning this fight."

Jason (the former praetor) laughed. "Remember last time you refused to drink water? He chased you down and made you walk around with an IV all day."

Nico just rolled his eyes and began drinking his water. Tim, who looked like he was ready to die without his coffee, chugged his water before holding out his hand for the coffee pot. Will smiled and passed it to him as Alfred came in with the food.

The demigods all passed the fire plate around and dug into the chocolate chip waffles. They ate in comfortable silence for a while before Leo perked up.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. I sent the blue prints for the fire plates to camp and since we have 6 Vulcan legionnaires there right now, we're already halfway finished with the first batch. The DGs in the field should have them within the next 4 days."

"That's awesome," Tim said excitedly. "How were they able to do it so fast if they are also working on the Argo III?"

"We do shift work. Half were working on Argo III, the others on the plates, and then they switch every hour. Plus Bunker 9 is massive so we have plenty of work stations. Though Chiron might be mad at me because I don't see most of my cabin leaving the Bunker any time soon."

"He'll get over it," Rachel said with a shrug. "I once didn't leave my cave for a week and he got over that pretty fast."

"You live in a cave?" Jason (the one with anger issues) said, sounding slightly concerned.

"Yeah, whenever I'm at camp at least. It's great, I miss my cave."

"Oh, Rachel, I set up the initial round of funding for the project, however before you start I think you should have a meeting with Chiron and officially with the leaders of the Roman Camp."

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