82) Here Comes the Sun

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A/N: This one is pretty short, and I'm not even sorry about it ahahahaha

-Tim POV-

Bruce rushed forward, catching his son before he hit the ground. Their father laid Nico down on the ground and removed his domino mask, the other bats by his side within seconds. Tim stared at his little brother and he had to admit, Nico didn't look good. His face was pale and waxy, and his eyes were unfocused as he looked at the sky. Tim touched his exposed skin and it was cold, colder than usual.

"Nico? Nico, can you hear me?" Bruce asked as he pulled out a vial of nectar and poured it in the demigod's mouth.

Nico's head lulled to the side as he stared at the bats, his eyes looking at them unrecognizably until he seemed to zero in on Bruce who had removed his cowl. "Hey, dad." His voice was scarily weak.

Bruce held pressure on the wound on his side with one hand as he gripped Nico's hand in the other. "Hey, you're gonna be okay. We just need to let the nectar work, and you'll be fine."

Nico didn't respond to his statement. Tim watched as his free hand slid up and pressed his comms button. "Oracle."

"I'm here Demo," Babs said quietly through the comm. She had multiple drones on the battle field so that she could know what was going on. She saw how bad the situation looked.

"Call..." His voice trailed off for a moment before he swallowed and tried again. "Call Riptide. Tell him to get Mrs. O and get here with Surgeon."

"Of course."

Nico clicked his comm again so that it was off. His hand fell limp against his chest, but Damian grabbed it.

None of the brothers knew what to do. The situation felt too familiar. They had all been there before, watching someone they loved have the same look in their eyes.

"I don't think the nectar is gonna work this time," Nico whispered.

Dick sniffed, grabbing onto Nico's shoulder lightly for comfort. "Of course it will Neeks. You're gonna be okay."

Jason reached into his utility belt to give him some more, but Nico lightly shook his head. "I've taken too much today. I could..." his voice faded again, his swallows looking like they were becoming harder to do each time. "I'll burn up."

"We have to—" Jason cut himself off. "We can't just not try anything. We have to do something."

Nico's head tilted back towards the sky. "Sunshine will be here soon."

Tim saw Damian grip Nico's hand harder. "He is, so you better stay awake until he gets here, okay?"

Nico gave a small nod as his eyes stayed fixed on the stars. "Bob says hello," he whispered. "Hello Zoë."

Tim sniffed quietly, refusing to let any tears fall. He's gonna be fine, he kept saying to himself. This is just because he over used his powers and in a week we'll be laughing about it.

Nico's blinks became longer until Bruce had to start patting his cheek to remind him to open them again. Tim had taken up holding his other hand since Bruce had to let go of it to keep him awake.

"Please don't leave us," Bruce whispered quietly, Tim only barely able to hear him. "We just got you, we can't loose you already. I can't loose another son."

Jason, who was knelt by Nico's head next to Damian, reached down and wiped a tear off of Nico's cheek and the boy looked away from the sky and to Bruce.

"Scusami tanto, papà," he whispered. (I'm really sorry dad.)

Bruce shook his head. "No. Don't apologize, please," he begged in Italian.

Nico either ignored him or simply couldn't hear what he was saying. "I didn't want to break your one rule, but he had to die." He was silent again, his eyes looking like they were loosing focus. "He was going to find people like me, ones who don't know yet, and sell them. I couldn't... I couldn't let it..." he trailed off, but this time it seemed like he lost his thought completely.

Bruce had tears silently streaming down his face as he just shook his head. "It okay, I don't care right now. Just please be okay. Just stay awake."

Tim heard a commotion behind him and turned to look. The heroes, who had all been silently watching from a distance, all had weapons drawn as a massive black dog appeared in the middle of the crowd. "Let them through!" Tim yelled, as the two passengers slid off the dog's back and began sprinting towards them. Tim looked back to Nico, switching to Italian. "Their here. You're gonna be okay."

Nico just stared at the sky again, unreactive to his statement.

Will got their first. The Waynes stepped back slightly to give him space, but still stayed close, not wanting to leave Nico's side. The blonde demigod got to work immediately, laying his hands on Nico's chest as he began to quietly hum, his skin glowing slightly.

He's gonna be okay, Tim told himself once again. He's gonna be fine. 

A/N: Am I evil for leaving you on another cliffhanger? maybe. Do I care? nope. I'm having a great time watching the chaos in the comments unfold. 

Vote. Comment. Tell me if you want me to keep doing daily updates for the next book (I think I know the answer). 

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