39º Cap -Matteo's nightclub opening

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A serious argument takes place between mother and son in the morning.

- I grew up thinking we were a family and out of nowhere I discovered that my father was married to another woman and that I have a brother.

- I already explained this to you, Matteo, and I beg you to leave everything as it is.

- I can't leave it as it is mom, I'm no longer an only child.

- And I don't count? Am I no longer your brother?

- Of course Michelangelo counts, don't be silly.

- Your brother didn't mean that, Mick. Wasn't it Matteo?

- Of course. Come here, give me a hug. You know that I love you as if we were actually brothers, don't you?

- Then listen to our mother and leave this story alone.

- No, I won't let you. Rocco also has the right to know the truth.

- No, Matteo, you should leave everything as it is. You shouldn't tell him that you are brothers.

 You shouldn't tell him that you are brothers

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- What are you afraid of, huh?

- May this boy reject you, my son.

Matteo smiles.

- I'm a man, mother, do you think I'll suffer if he doesn't want to establish a brotherly bond with me after he discovers the whole truth?

-You may not suffer Matteo, but I will suffer in his place.

Matteo's smile closes and he hugs his mother.

- Listen mom, you and Michelangelo are the two people I love most in life, but they need to understand that I have the right to make my choices.

- My love for you is too great to let you follow a path that could lead to suffering, Matteo.

Matteo kisses his mother on one of the cheeks.

- I won't suffer. I promise you.

Although he said he would no longer work for the company, of the man who had dared to steal his great love from him, Luca goes back and ends up taking some photos at the Beneventi factory, while the employees were working.

These photos are for Rocco to analyze, which would fit best with the interview he has scheduled, about the launch of his new perfume.

The photos and filming are taken with employees packaging the perfume bottle bottles, which are then taken by a machine, where they receive the liquid and are automatically capped.

Soon after, the bottles are removed by employees, who place them in packaging that is deposited in a box that goes to a warehouse.

After filming every detail in the factory, Luca walks to the room where he had left the rest of his equipment and overhears a conversation between director Angelo and a security guard.

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