chapter 39

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Zoey smiled bitterly.

"I don't remember saying anything about getting married," she smiled, looking at him.

"But Chloe is your stepdaughter, ain't she? "

"She is, but do you need a husband to have a daughter?"

Lionel stood still looking at her.

"Wait, so you have a daughter, but you are not married? " he asked with a complex expression.

Zoey nodded slightly. Lionel hugged her. His excitement was evident on his face. Still holding her tight, he murmured something loud enough only for her to hear.

"You don't know how happy I am. I promise I'll love Chloe as my own"

Zoey gently pushed him off.

"Take it easy there. You didn't even ask me out, " she said, swaying her hair.

He chuckled.

"Fine, could you attend a fashion show with me? I will kinda be like a date. I know about your love for fashion and I got invited so....?"

Zoey frowned. Other than M&S, there was no other fashion company hosting a show, so did this mean he got invited by Mia? How come? M&S was the best-selling brand nationally and internationally? Why would a mere person like Lionel get invited.

"I know you are starting to overthink. I haven't been entirely honest with you, and you'll find out tomorrow, I promise. "

Zoey just replied with a mere "okay"

Finally, she got home and invited Lionel in. He politely declined before telling her that a fashion team would come to do her make-up. She too politely declined, saying that fashion things were in her blood, and there was no need to waste money.

She heated up some food and took a shower, then went to bed. Somehow, Dante's poker face appeared in her mind and then was later replaced by Lionel's smiling one. She smiled and told herself that yesterday was history. Today was a gift, and what tomorrow held was a mystery.

Waking up early in the morning, she did her daily routine and went to the company. She found Mia in her office.

"What a good morning surprise this is. Don't you have your own office? "

"Oh, skip it. Tell me what we are wearing tonight? And now that the Dante shit happened, do you want me to reveal your name?"

"Let's just go with the flow, and no, don't reveal anything I beg you."

"Okay. Now let's go. "

The rest of the morning was them giving out orders preparing for the show. Since Zoey didn't read the contract, it was stated that she would be the head of the design department and a board member. She only realized that on her second day. At first she was mad at Mia telling her that she wanted to go to the top by herself and she didn't have any qualifications but later realized how lucky she was for someone like Mia to offer her that on a silver platter. All she wanted now was to make Mia proud.

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