chapter 52

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Zoey and Mia went to their company. Mia's phone rang.

"It's Selena," she said with an annoyed expression.

"Answer it." Zoey said. They had a chauffeur, so they didn't worry about keeping their eyes on the road.

Mia answered and kept silent, waiting for Selena to talk first.

"Cousin Dante and I are the ones that invited you over, and you just went without seeing me. How insolent. Come back, you're gonna spend the day and night here." She paused, "together with your friend. " she finished off and dropped the call.

"That's one of the many reasons I hate her. She's too bossy and demanding, "Mia said angrily and turned to Zoey.

"Should we go back?"

They told the chauffeur to turn around, and they went back. When they arrived, no one was home, so they decided to go to the guest room.

Zoey's heart was a cacophony of emotions as she followed Mia through the opulent corridors of the Blackwood mansion. The walls, adorned with art that spoke of old money and power, seemed to close in on her.

They reached the guest room, a sanctuary of sorts, where the air was thick with the scent of lilies — Dante's favorite. Zoey's fingers brushed against the fabric of the 'queen's dress' displayed on a mannequin, the dress that had crowned her the talk of the town, a bittersweet triumph.

Mia, sensing her friend's turmoil, offered a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. "You good?" she whispered.

Zoey nodded, her gaze fixed on the dress. "Yeah, just memories," she murmured.

The door swung open, and there stood Dante, his presence as commanding as ever, yet his eyes held no recognition of Zoey. It was a look she had come to know all too well — the look of a stranger.

Dante's nod was curt, his attention briefly flitting to Zoey before turning to Mia. "I need your expertise on a new project. The theme is 'Renaissance Reborn'. Think you can handle it?"

Mia's eyes sparkled with challenge. "You bet. But you should know, Zoey's the real genius behind the 'queen's dress'. She's the designer you want on your team."

Dante's gaze shifted back to Zoey, appraising. "Is that so? Well, Zoey, impress me."

Zoey felt a surge of defiance. She was no longer the assistant who  had been dismissed but a designer of repute. "I'll do more than that. I'll create a masterpiece," she declared.

As they discussed ideas, Zoey couldn't help but feel the sting of their past. Dante's amnesia had severed their ties, but here she was, in his home, speaking of art and beauty as if her heart hadn't been shattered.

The meeting concluded with plans set in motion. As Zoey prepared to leave for the room arranged for her, Dante's voice halted her. "About the bash... I may not remember you, but I apologize if I was... rude."

Zoey paused, her back to him. "Apology accepted," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She didn't turn back, didn't let him see the tears she fought to keep at bay.

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