chapter 57

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"Dante!" The call rang out just as Dante stepped through the entrance. He glanced over, and one eyebrow arched in question.

'What brings her here?'

He stopped in his tracks, observing her as she moved toward him with a wide grin.

"I tried to wait in your office, but your receptionist wouldn't allow it," she said.

Dante's face remained impassive.

"Actually, it's good you're here. Father sent me to discuss the deal," she mentioned, and at the word 'deal,' Dante gave a short nod and led her to the reception desk.

"Show her to my office," he instructed the receptionist and then walked away towards his private elevator.

Laila watched his departure with a small, knowing smile. She turned to the receptionist with a glare.

"Didn't you hear him?" she demanded.

The receptionist, Tina, simply rolled her eyes.

"Don't let it go to your head," she muttered, focusing on her computer.

"I'll make you regret—"

"The elevator's out. Take the stairs," Tina interrupted without looking up.

Laila frowned but headed for the staircase, maintaining her composure until she was out of sight.

"Why does this always happen to me?" she grumbled all the way up.

Arriving at Dante's office, she was a mess from the climb.

"You're probably wondering about my state. I had to take the stairs since the elevator's broken," she explained breathlessly.

"Clean up; you're late. I can't spare time for this," Dante said sharply.


"Out," he cut her off.

She left, seething with anger, and descended the stairs. By the time she reached the bottom, she looked disheveled. A janitor noticed her and asked,

"Why not use the elevator?"

She forced a smile.

"It's broken," she lied.

"That's unheard of here," he replied before moving on.

"She lied," Laila realized, her anger boiling over.


Meanwhile, Selena found Trent amid his training session.

"Pardon the interruption, Trent, but may I have a moment?" she asked.

He nodded, signaling the others to continue without him.

"I wanted to thank you for keeping Zoey and Dante's past from him," she said.

"I did it against my will. What's your interest in Zoey?" Trent questioned.

"That's a tale for another time, but—"

"Selena, don't even think about it. I won't let you harm Dante again. Trust me when i say i won't let you do to Dante what you did to him" he warned, his voice stern.

He left her standing there, clutching her dress, as he rejoined his training.

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