chapter 47

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"So aren't you going to work today? "Zoey asked innocently as they sat in a restaurant

"I should be asking you that. Not to brag or anything, but I'm the boss, so even if I take a year off, it's on me. "

"Good for you, and I'm not."

"You're not? Don't you work as Dante's assistant? According to my own knowledge of him, he'd never give you an off day unless you're sick or something which you are not"

Zoey laughed lightly. This didn't hurt like it used to before. Back then, when she heard Dante's name, her heart used to skip a bit, but now it was just water under the bridge.

"I quit that job," she said nonchalantly

"Really?" he said, beaming with happiness

"Yes, really,"

"Good then, you can work as my assistant, secretary, or whatever you choose between those lines so I can get to see you all the time."

"Now that's messed up."She laughed

"I'm serious. Do you have a job?"


"Which is? "

"I.. I work as mmm as a..." realizing she was not comfortable with telling him he intervened

"It's okay if you don't wanna tell me as long as it is respectable and you love it. I have no say,"

"I really do love it, and Yes its respectable. I'm not a stripper or anything, " she joked.

"Good then, I'm happy if you're happy, but my offer still stands."

Their milkshakes came, and they started drinking. Lionel watched Zoey with a gaze filled with affection and a longing-a longing for her to be finally his.

Across them, someone secretly took pictures of them, and they didn't notice in the slightest.

In an unknown country

"Boss, I don't think she's in any way related to Dante. As for as I know she is Mia's best friend. Yesterday, Dante showed up alone at the fashion show while she showed up with Lionel Greene and abruptly left. I think it was a fight, but now they are at a café patching things up. She is just a brave and innocent soul who values other people first before herself. Otherwise, she won't be of any help."

The man who was lazily sitting on the expensive office chair just hummed and replied,

"What about the car and the rumors of them dating?"

"The old lady threatened him, saying if he didn't get married, she'd take everything away from him, so they put up that show, and she was gifted with a car."

"I see. Keep digging." She said calmly and blew out a smoke ring.

"What shall our next move be now?" His right hand man asked

"Let's lie low for some time. I'm sure his psychopathic friends are on the watch. We can't afford any mistakes. "

"I will not rest until you're dead, Dante. That I swear"

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