chapter 51

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Dante stood by the window, watching the car disappear down the long driveway. He turned to Selena, who was lounging on the chaise with an air of disinterest.

"Selena, Mia was here," Dante started, his voice laced with a hint of confusion. "She brought a friend along, Zoey. There's something about her... I feel like I should know who she is."

Selena glanced up from her book, her eyes sharp. "Zoey?" she echoed, her tone casual. "Probably just someone from one of those countless meetings you attend. You know you meet so many people, it's impossible to remember them all."

Dante nodded, though the nagging feeling didn't subside. "Maybe, but it's strange. It's like there's a connection I can't quite make."

Selena closed her book and walked over to him, her expression softening. "Dante, you've been through a lot. Your health is what's important right now. Don't stress yourself trying to remember every face. If it's important, it'll come back to you."

He knew she was right, but the unease remained. Still, he forced a smile. "You're right, as always. I'll let it go."

Selena reached out, touching his arm gently. "Good. Now, let's focus on getting you back to full strength. That's what truly matters."

As Dante watched her walk away, he couldn't shake the feeling that Selena was holding something back. But for now, he would heed her advice and let the mystery of Zoey be just that—a mystery.

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